Posted: 7 March 2022. At: 6:48 PM. This was 2 years ago. Post ID: 16012
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Gnome on Linux still does not have icons in the file picker. This is sad.

Gnome on Linux still does not have icons in the file picker

There is an active feedback tracker task to add icons to the file picker, but this is still going since it was posted 17 years ago. And it still has not been implemented. 17 years. And it seems it will never be implemented. Windows `98 had icons in the file picker, this is very funny indeed. The Windows `98 developers had this feature working, but the Gnome developers are too lazy to add the relatively simple code to add icons to a file picker dialog. Why can this not happen at all? What is stopping them from addressing a 17-year-old issue? Even my Android phone has icons in the file selection dialog. It is 2022 and this has still not been fixed, you can not even quick look at a file as you can do in Macintosh OS. Come on guys add a simple feature and get your job done. It can not be that hard to implement a simple addition as this. Your users will thank you. There was a bug report concerning this issue that was logged in 2004, and it is still outstanding. That is not how developers should act. What does marking a task as “RESOLVED OBSOLETE” even mean?

Just fix the issue and do not mess this up. It is a new decade and we expect these things to be in the past, but it is still outstanding. The KDE file picker shows thumbnails, so why does Gnome or Caja not do it? Please fix this mess. But I get it, making the Gnome desktop look like a mobile tablet OS instead of the nice desktop it was before is more important.

Even KDE from 2004 had icons in the file picker, this needs to be in Gnome, then it might be more usable. How hard can it be to add? It can not be too hard to add such a simple feature. This is why Windows is dominating the desktop market. The Xerox Star computer system from 1981 had a desktop with icons on it and if it had a file picker it could have had icons in it. But that was not made by lazy Gnoe devs that could not be bothered adding to the Gnome desktop environment. They just want to keep it as it is and turn Linux into a mobile OS. Plus Systemd. Why even bother. People have coded this themselves and linked to the Git commits, but this code has not been added to Gnome yet, why not? Is it just too hard? Here is an example. How hard can this be?

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