Posted: 27 February 2022. At: 11:43 AM. This was 2 years ago. Post ID: 15959
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Some more very useful Arma 3 scripts to make a very nice mission.

This is a very useful code sample to put in the init of an object. This is to activate a function. This is how to have an addaction only show up when you are close to an item.

  _id = this addAction ["Teleport to FOB", {[player, [5309.6,10749.3,0]] call KER_fnc_teleport;}, "", 0, true, true, "", ""]; this setUserActionText [_id, "<t color='#00ff00'>Teleport to FOB.</t>"];

This is the function this addaction calls, this teleports a player to a certain location. In the addaction, it defines this location: [5309.6,10749.3,0], and this is where you will be teleported.

params ["_unit","_baseLoc"];
private _pos = [_baseLoc, 1, 10, 3, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
_unit setpos _pos;

To disable the reload icon after firing a weapon in Arma 3, use this in the debug console, this will give you a clear screen to record a video without the HUD element popping up.

showHUD [ 
  true, // scriptedHUD 
  true, // info 
  true, // radar 
  true, // compass 
  true, // direction 
  false, // menu 
  true, // group 
  false, // cursors 
  true, // panels 
  true, // kills 
  false  // showIcon3D 

That would be very useful for making a video.

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