Posted: 18 September 2021. At: 3:50 PM. This was 3 years ago. Post ID: 15442
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Very useful Linux tips for 2021.

There are still some very useful tips for using Linux in 2021. Just like this.

Getting the size on the disk of a folder. The du -ack -h | tail -n 1 command will do this.

└──╼  ╼ $ du -ack -h | tail -n 1
8.2G	total

This shows how much disk space the ~/Music folder takes up.

This interesting command will put line numbers on text, output, but only if it is not a blank line.

└──╼  ╼ $ sed '/./=' root.desktop | sed '/./N; s/\n/ /'
1 [Desktop Entry]
2 Type=Link
3 Name=Root
4 Name[ca]=Arrel
5 Name[de]=Basisordner
6 Name[eo]=Radiko
7 Name[fi]=Juuri
8 Name[fr]=Dossier racine
9 Name[gl]=Raíz
10 Name[ja]=Root
11 Name[ms]=Root
12 Name[pl]=Katalog główny
13 Name[ru]=Корневой каталог
14 Name[sr]=Корен
15 Name[tr]=Kök Dizin
16 Comment=The Root Filesystem base
17 Comment[ca]=Directori arrel fitxers
18 Comment[de]=Die Basis des Wurzeldateisystems
19 Comment[eo]=La radika dosiersistemo
20 Comment[es]=El sistema de archivos root
21 Comment[fi]=Tiedostojärjestelmäpuun juuri
22 Comment[fr]=Le système de fichiers à la base
23 Comment[gl]=O sistema de ficheiros root

Reverse every line in a text file. This could be useful I guess…

└──╼  ╼ $ sed '/\n/!G;s/\(.\)\(.*\n\)/&\2\1/;//D;s/.//' tmp.desktop 
]yrtnE potkseD[
netaD eräropmeT=]ed[emaN
голатак йыннемерВ=]ur[emaN
selif yraropmeT=tnemmoC
slaropmet srextiF=]ac[tnemmoC
neietaD eräropmeT=]ed[tnemmoC
joreisod japmetmuD=]oe[tnemmoC

This example will print the file sizes in a directory listing in bytes and add commas to the output.

└──╼  ╼ $ stat --format="%s %n" * | sed -e :a -e 's/\(.*[0-9]\)\([0-9]\{3\}\)/\1,\2/;ta' | head -n 25
1,314,524 100_0,273.jpg
1,303,195 100_0,283.jpg
1,307,745 100_0,284.jpg
1,320,254 100_0,330.jpg
1,282,582 100_0,357.jpg
133,110 1,381,036,356,449-960x540.jpg
54,602 1,381,036,356,449-960x540.webp
1,703,445 1,403,880,531,199.jpg
433,715 1,516,736,709,532.jpg
259,287 1,615,955,828,431.webm
20,791 account_activities_201,308.pdf
80,075 anti.png
549,997 Australian_Raven_by_lozzalee.jpg

This is another example, of the same trick.

└──╼  ╼ $ ls -s --block-size=1 | sed -e :a -e 's/\(.*[0-9]\)\([0-9]\{3\}\)/\1,\2/;ta' | head -n -1
total 71,581,696
 1,314,816 100_0,273.jpg
 1,306,624 100_0,283.jpg
 1,310,720 100_0,284.jpg
 1,323,008 100_0,330.jpg
 1,286,144 100_0,357.jpg
  135,168 1,381,036,356,449-960x540.jpg
   57,344 1,381,036,356,449-960x540.webp
 1,703,936 1,403,880,531,199.jpg
  438,272 1,516,736,709,532.jpg
  262,144 1,615,955,828,431.webm
   24,576 account_activities_201,308.pdf
   81,920 anti.png
  552,960 Australian_Raven_by_lozzalee.jpg
   90,112 back.png
   32,768 backupsettings.conf
    4,096 bandcamp-dl-master
    4,096 Boomsrc

Remove the last line of each paragraph in a text file.

└──╼  ╼ $ sed -n '/^$/{p;h;};/./{x;/./p;}' FAQ.txt 
Q: I'm trying to play a demo, but it gets out of sync, what's wrong?
A: Read README.compatibility if you don't have already.
A: If everything failes report us which demo got out of sync and where we can
get it. Don't send it to us directly. Now hope the best that it gets fixed.
Q: I get wrong colors when using SVGALib, can't you do your job right?
A: The SDL Library is broken, bug the SDL people about it.
Q: I'm trying to get PrBoom with OpenGL working on my 3dfx Voodoo card on
Windows, but it doesn't work or is very slow.
A: Use Mesa3D ( with 3dfx support.
Q: The sky looks wrong in OpenGL, WTF?
A: It seems like you are using Mesa3D. Try a newer version and if it's still not
fixed bug them about it.
A: Are you using Windows? Try using another glu32.dll.

Print the last 10 lines of a file (emulates “tail”).

└──╼  ╼ $ sed -e :a -e '$q;N;11,$D;ba' FAQ.txt 
A: Use Mesa3D ( with 3dfx support.
Q: The sky looks wrong in OpenGL, WTF?
A: It seems like you are using Mesa3D. Try a newer version and if it's still not
fixed bug them about it.
A: Are you using Windows? Try using another glu32.dll.
Q: I get a compile error saying PFNGLCOLORTABLEEXTPROC isn't defined
A: Get a newer version of your OpenGL headers/drivers. This problem occured on
nvidia cards. If you still can't get it working, the please tell us.

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