Posted: 17 September 2021. At: 11:18 AM. This was 3 years ago. Post ID: 15440
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How to have a flag at half mast in Arma 3 without mods.

Having a flag at half-mast in Arma 3 is very easy. This code in the init of the flagpole will set the flag to half-mast. This does not require stupid mods. Just simple scripting.

call{this setFlagAnimationPhase 0.5;}

This is very easy to do.

Add this code to your description.ext file to easily have your mission deleting dead bodies to save FPS.

corpseManagerMode = 1; // Default: 0 for SP, 2 for MP
corpseLimit = 4; // Default: 15
corpseRemovalMinTime = 20; // seconds. Default: 10
corpseRemovalMaxTime = 40; // seconds. Default: 3600
wreckManagerMode = 1; // Default: 0 for SP, 2 for MP
wreckLimit = 4; // seconds. Default: 15
wreckRemovalMinTime = 20; // seconds. Default: 10
wreckRemovalMaxTime = 40; // seconds. Default: 36000 (10 hours)
minPlayerDistance = 40; // meters. Default: 0

This really helps in the long run. Bodies are not deleted within 40 meters of players to allow you to loot them. But at a distance they are deleted.

Put this code in your initServer.sqf. This will delete player bodies when they leave the server. This helps immensely to help keep the player`s FPS up as much as possible.

handleDisconnect = {
        _unit = _this # 0;
		_containers = nearestObjects[_unit,["WeaponHolderSimulated"],8];
			deleteVehicle _x;
		} foreach _containers;
        deleteVehicle _unit;
		//_this call update_map;
		_loadout = getUnitLoadout _unit; profileNamespace setVariable ["varName", _loadout];
addMissionEventHandler ["HandleDisconnect",{
	_this call handleDisconnect;

Finally. Put this in your initPlayerLocal.sqf file. This will hide and disable the load and save buttons for the arsenal. This is if you do not want players loading their own load-outs.

[missionNamespace, "arsenalOpened", {
		params ["_display"];
		_display displayAddEventHandler ["keydown", "_this select 3"];
		{(_display displayCtrl _x) ctrlShow false} forEach [44151, 44150, 44146, 44147, 44148, 44149, 44346];
}] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler;

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