Posted: 4 July 2021. At: 8:33 PM. This was 3 years ago. Post ID: 15220
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How to use the RHS Raven UAV in Arma 3.

The RHS Raven UAV is a bit hard to use as it is more realistic than the Darter drones and how to actually use it is annoying, but immersive.

Give your character the Eagle A-III Backpack (Raven) backpack. Place this on the ground in a safe open area and then walk up to it and use the scroll menu option to assemble the drone. Then use the action menu option to pick up the assembled drone and then launch it. Afterwards, there will be a UAV terminal sitting on the ground. Do not pick this up unless you wish to move it. To use it you must NOT pick it up. You can do so to carry it around, but to use it you need to drop it again. It will not appear in the inventory, drop it via the action menu.

There are a few scroll menu options on the Raven UAV terminal.

[digits] is a three-digit number, probably the RC frequency of the drone, might be changeable when the drone is on the ground, didn’t try that though. There also some other things that can be checked/set while the drone is on the ground, but besides battery status, the other things just seemed to be for “realism” (system checks and stuff).

The camera feed option on the Raven UAV terminal opens a full-screen camera view of the drone. From this view, the drone can be controlled. It will always just circle around a target point on the map, but you can control its flying altitude [keys: W, S] and the radius of the circle [keys: A, D]. You can switch camera mode [key: N], place a map marker [key: M] and move the target point [keys: Numpad 4, 6, 8 and 2]. To exit this view press [key: G], Esc won’t help, action menu is also not available.

The New target option opens the map screen and lets you place a new target point for the drone to circle around by clicking on the map. This seems to work only once per selecting this action menu option. You can leave this screen as you would leave the normal map screen (in fact it is the normal map screen).

Use the Reset Markers option to remove the map markers placed in the camera feed view.

The Autoland option allows the drone to fly back automatically to the location it was launched from, this is why you use a nice open area to launch it in the first place.

Minicam mode allows a small screen in your player`s view while the UAV terminal is closed.

Minicam: On/Off. Toggles the Minicam off or on.

Retrieve. This calls the UAV back to the launch spot to allow it to be disassembled and packed away after the mission.

To refuel the drone, use Autoland and wait for it to return, then use a scroll menu option on it to refuel it.

The drone will automatically return when low on fuel, this is a chance to walk up to it and then take care of this.

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