Posted: 11 June 2021. At: 10:38 AM. This was 3 years ago. Post ID: 15165
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How to have a much wider scrollbars in Firefox on Debian.

The scrollbars on Firefox are very narrow and annoying, but this may be fixed. This is how to get wider scrollbars in Firefox when using Linux.

The best way is to edit the about:config and then look for this entry.


Change this to 1.50 and this makes the scrollbar much wider.

Also this setting.


This will make the scrollbars much wider. Making this a very useful hack for improving your browsing experience on Linux or Windows.

This makes all scrollbars wider when they appear on a web page, but this will help if you have poor eyesight and cannot easily use a 1-nanometer wide scrollbar with ease. a most useful tip for Firefox users on any operating system. User Interface designers are very strange creatures. They want everything to look like a mobile phone and want super narrow scrollbars you cannot easily grab in a hurry. This must stop now.

6 thoughts on “How to have a much wider scrollbars in Firefox on Debian.

  1. I really despise the overlay scrollbars and additional to setting GTK_OVERLAY_SCROLLING=0 env var I needed to set widget.gtk.overlay-scrollbars.enabled in FF to false. This restored the scollbar to the old GTK one.

  2. Thanks for this clue, was searching for this since a while back.. them GTK CSS hacks we were using for our distro seemed to have stopped working..
    The thin scrollbars are such a bad joke, and the hacks one has to resort to to recover even basic accessibility ain’t even funny.
    This is in the same league as major online map providers turning off (or even REMOVING..) map scales by default. What the fsck.

  3. Thanks for this – it is such an improvement and also works for Arch Linux. I (somewhat jokingly) suppose with the world moving to touch screens, scrollbars may disappear altogether.

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