Posted: 29 December 2020. At: 9:30 AM. This was 4 years ago. Post ID: 14832
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Good ways to find files in your home directory.

Finding files in your home directory is very easy. The command below will search inside all files in your home directory and find all files that contain the text “linux”.

find . -type f -exec grep -niH linux '{}' ';'

This is a good example of usage.

└──╼  ╼ $ find . -type f -exec grep -niH linux '{}' ';'
./Desktop/bandcamp-dl-master/README.rst:20:Some linux distros may require that python3-pip is installed first.
./Desktop/bandcamp-dl-master/bandcamp_downloader.egg-info/PKG-INFO:28:        Some linux distros may require that python3-pip is installed first.
Binary file ./.googleearth/Cache/qwebdata/general/data8/2/9061yapr.d matches
Binary file ./.googleearth/Cache/qwebdata/general/data8/6/26xrsnyv.d matches
Binary file ./.googleearth/Cache/qwebdata/general/data8/a/2fc2cpyj.d matches
Binary file ./.googleearth/Cache/qwebdata/general/data8/a/2y38467z.d matches
Binary file ./.googleearth/Cache/qwebdata/general/data8/9/2f9g3sby.d matches
Binary file ./.googleearth/Cache/qwebdata/general/data8/9/k6uvsaay.d matches
Binary file ./.googleearth/Cache/qwebdata/general/data8/d/2hc16n5m.d matches
Binary file ./.googleearth/Cache/qwebdata/general/data8/5/12t1q3b5.d matches
Binary file ./.googleearth/Cache/qwebdata/general/data8/5/ypvz5tne.d matches
Binary file ./.googleearth/Cache/qwebdata/general/data8/5/1qcelsn5.d matches
Binary file ./.googleearth/Cache/qwebdata/general/data8/f/24eh27ro.d matches
Binary file ./.googleearth/Cache/qwebdata/general/data8/1/34jtusaq.d matches
./Fedora/.bashrc:59:# These following functions from
./Fedora/.bashrc:134:if [ "$TERM" == "linux" ]; then
./Fedora/.bashrc:144:# The following code from
./Fedora/screen.dump:6:Debian GNU/Linux 9 debian tty1
./Fedora/screen.dump:11:Linux debian 4.9.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.65-3+deb9u1 (2017-12-23) x86_64
./Fedora/screen.dump:13:The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
./Fedora/screen.dump:17:Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
./Fedora/dump.out:6:Debian GNU/Linux 9 debian tty1
./Fedora/dump.out:11:Linux debian 4.9.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.65-3+deb9u1 (2017-12-23) x86_64
./Fedora/dump.out:13:The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
./Fedora/dump.out:17:Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
Binary file ./Fedora/virtio-win.iso matches

The ack utility is very useful for finding text within files.

Install it like this.

└──╼  ╼ $ sudo apt install ack

Then use it to find any text you are looking for.

└──╼  ╼ $ ack "linux"
20:Some linux distros may require that python3-pip is installed first.
28:        Some linux distros may require that python3-pip is installed first.
59:# These following functions from
134:if [ "$TERM" == "linux" ]; then
144:# The following code from
109:    # Looking for linux account passwords (ubuntu)wc -l
116:    out " [+] Digging linux accounts credentials... (pattern attack)"
140:        out " [+] Digging linux accounts credentials method 2 ... (dictionary attack)"
171:            out " [+] Digging linux accounts credentials method 3... (John attack)"
172:            out " [+] Cracking linux account passwords using John."
206:    elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
207:        # If this running on linux, run the exe with wine
Downloads/Create a bootable USB drive/Writing to USB flash drive UltraISO/UltraISOPortable/App/UltraISO/History.txt
74:  +) Improved syslinux V5/V6 support, can create more bootable USB disk from 
109:  +) Improved syslinux V3/V4 support, can create bootable USB disk from 
110:     ISO image of popular linux distributions, including:     
126:  +) Improved syslinux V4 support, works for wrting bootable USB disk
135:  +) Supports syslinux V4 boot sector
207:  *) Keeps graphics menu on writing isolinux/syslinux based bootable UFD's
219:  *) Improved bootable linux USB disk creation (knoppix/ubuntu) 
225:     local harddisk (MS-DOS, WinPE, or isolinux/syslinux based systems)     
228:  +) Supports bootsector of DOS(MSDOS/PCDOS/FREEDOS), Windows NT and syslinux
728:  *) Fix a bug with 'boot catalog' file for some Unix/linux bootable CDs 
104:    -I/usr/local/lib/perl5/i586-linux/5.003/CORE
105:    -L/usr/local/lib/perl5/i586-linux/5.003/CORE

This highlights the matching text and which line it is on. This is a very useful utility for searching source code to find various strings.

This is a nice example. Searching the Windows XP source code.

└──╼  ╼ $ ack "virus"
447:viruses, or bootleggers.  The real advantage of the compiler is merely
114:               	#####Free slot from depending command - virus scan
559:internal\ds\lib\*\winsafer.lib,        add, jlawson, WinSafer code authz virus sandbox API
1455:sdk\inc\winsafer.h,                    add, JLawson, WinSafer code authz virus sandbox API
5:2. use a virus checking tool to run on dlls and symbol files (I use Cheyenne Innoculan), see http://prslab
141:REM scan virus here
143:echo scanning virus...
149:echo Finished virus checking on %xe_dll%
150:set /p xe_goon=Is virus checking OK?(y/n):
96:REM scan virus here
98:echo scanning virus...
104:echo Finished virus checking on %xe_dll%
105:set /p xe_goon=Is virus checking OK?(y/n):
12:3. Use a virus checking tool to run on dlls and symbol files (I use Cheyenne Innoculan), see http://prslab.

So, this is a very useful utility.

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