Posted: 2 December 2020. At: 9:56 AM. This was 4 years ago. Post ID: 14802
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Get information about an ISO image very easily on Linux. How to view the contents.

Getting information about an ISO image is very easy on Linux. You do not need to mount one to view the contents with ls. There is a simple utility for viewing the contents of ISO images.

I created an ISO image like this.

└──╼  ╼ $ mkisofs -A "Solyanka Music" -iso-level 4 -J -L -no-bak -r -o music.iso musicfiles

Then I could view the contents of the ISO easily.

└──╼  ╼ $ isoinfo -l -i music.iso 
Directory listing of /
d---------   0    0    0           38912 Oct 26 2020 [     29 02]  . 
d---------   0    0    0           38912 Oct 26 2020 [     29 02]  .. 
----------   0    0    0         1297631 Oct 26 2020 [     59 00]  05_wasteland2_str_l.ogg.ogg 
----------   0    0    0         2170871 Oct 26 2020 [    693 00]  amb0010_l.ogg.ogg 
----------   0    0    0         2233324 Oct 26 2020 [   1753 00]  amb0016_l.ogg.ogg 
----------   0    0    0         4613702 Oct 26 2020 [   2844 00]  amb0017_l.ogg.ogg 
----------   0    0    0         4038943 Oct 26 2020 [   5097 00]  amb0019_l.ogg.ogg 
----------   0    0    0         2632027 Oct 26 2020 [   7070 00]  amb001_l.ogg.ogg 
----------   0    0    0         2928495 Oct 26 2020 [   8356 00]  amb006_l.ogg.ogg 
----------   0    0    0         2737329 Oct 26 2020 [   9786 00]  amb007_l.ogg.ogg 
----------   0    0    0         6353323 Oct 26 2020 [  11123 00]  amb01_l.ogg.ogg 
----------   0    0    0         4109370 Oct 26 2020 [  14226 00]  amb02_l.ogg.ogg 
----------   0    0    0         3604201 Oct 26 2020 [  16233 00]  amb03_l.ogg.ogg 
----------   0    0    0         3088056 Oct 26 2020 [  17993 00]  amb04_l.ogg.ogg 
----------   0    0    0         3270391 Oct 26 2020 [  19501 00]  amb05_l.ogg.ogg 
----------   0    0    0         2306632 Oct 26 2020 [  21098 00]  amb06_l.ogg.ogg 
----------   0    0    0         2543359 Oct 26 2020 [  22225 00]  amb07_l.ogg.ogg 
----------   0    0    0         3005895 Oct 26 2020 [  23467 00]  amb08_l.ogg.ogg 
----------   0    0    0         2794981 Oct 26 2020 [  24935 00]  amb09_l.ogg.ogg 
----------   0    0    0         2839573 Oct 26 2020 [  26300 00]  amb10_l.ogg.ogg 
----------   0    0    0         9019338 Oct 26 2020 [  27687 00]  amb11_l.ogg.ogg 
----------   0    0    0         7900702 Oct 26 2020 [  32091 00]  amb12_l.ogg.ogg

This is a very easy way to view the contents of an ISO image before burning it or even mounting it to a folder.

It can even view standard ISO 9660 Standards ISO images.

└──╼  ╼ $ isoinfo -l -i /media/jason/Seagate\ Expansion\ Drive/ISO/Microsoft\ Windows\ 2000\ \[Professional\ +\ Server\ +\ Advanced\ Server\ +\ Datacenter\ Server\]\ SP4.iso | head -n 50
Directory listing of /
d---------   0    0    0             992 Jun 18 2003 [     28 02]  . 
d---------   0    0    0             992 Jun 18 2003 [     28 02]  .. 
d---------   0    0    0             880 Jun 18 2003 [     29 02]  AUTORUN 
----------   0    0    0              51 Jun 18 2003 [   1106 00]  AUTORUN.INF 
----------   0    0    0               0 Jun 18 2003 [      0 00]  CDROMSP4.TST 
----------   0    0    0               5 Jun 18 2003 [   1107 01]  CDROM_IA.5 
----------   0    0    0               5 Jun 18 2003 [   1107 01]  CDROM_ID.5 
----------   0    0    0               5 Jun 18 2003 [   1107 01]  CDROM_IP.5 
----------   0    0    0               5 Jun 18 2003 [   1107 01]  CDROM_IS.5 
----------   0    0    0               5 Jun 18 2003 [   1107 01]  CDROM_NT.5 
----------   0    0    0           55981 Jun 18 2003 [   1108 00]  COVER.JPG 
----------   0    0    0           12288 Jun 18 2003 [   1136 01]  DISKEM1X.BIN 
----------   0    0    0            1178 Jun 18 2003 [   1142 01]  DISKEMU.CMD 
d---------   0    0    0             220 Jun 18 2003 [     30 02]  ROOT 
----------   0    0    0            2707 Jun 18 2003 [   1143 00]  SETUP.APM 
----------   0    0    0         1089536 Jun 18 2003 [   1145 00]  SETUP.EXE 
d---------   0    0    0            4620 Jun 18 2003 [     31 02]  W2KA 
----------   0    0    0            2048 Jun 18 2003 [   1677 01]  W2KA.DAT 
d---------   0    0    0            3994 Jun 18 2003 [     34 02]  W2KD 
----------   0    0    0            2048 Jun 18 2003 [   1678 01]  W2KD.DAT 
d---------   0    0    0            4620 Jun 18 2003 [     36 02]  W2KP 
----------   0    0    0            2048 Jun 18 2003 [   1679 01]  W2KP.DAT 
d---------   0    0    0            4620 Jun 18 2003 [     39 02]  W2KS 
----------   0    0    0            2048 Jun 18 2003 [   1680 01]  W2KS.DAT

This is very useful for verifying images downloaded from the Internet to see if they contain what you wanted. But this is very easy.

Use this command to get comprehensive information about the ISO image.

isoinfo -d -i [ISO IMAGE]

The output looks like this.

└──╼  ╼ $ isoinfo -d -i /media/jason/Seagate\ Expansion\ Drive/ISO/Microsoft\ Windows\ 2000\ \[Professional\ +\ Server\ +\ Advanced\ Server\ +\ Datacenter\ Server\]\ SP4.iso
CD-ROM is in ISO 9660 format
System id: 
Volume id: W2AIOFPP_EN
Volume set id: W2AIOFPP_EN
Data preparer id: MICROSOFT CORPORATION, ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND WA 98052, (425) 882-8080
Application id: CDIMAGE 2.47 (10/12/2000 TM)
Copyright File id: 
Abstract File id: 
Bibliographic File id: 
Volume set size is: 1
Volume set sequence number is: 1
Logical block size is: 2048
Volume size is: 353491
El Torito VD version 1 found, boot catalog is in sector 19
NO Joliet present
NO Rock Ridge present
Eltorito validation header:
    Hid 1
    Arch 0 (x86)
    ID 'Microsoft Corporation'
    Key 55 AA
    Eltorito defaultboot header:
        Bootid 88 (bootable)
        Boot media 0 (No Emulation Boot)
        Load segment 0
        Sys type 0
        Nsect 4
        Bootoff 451 1105

So, this is very useful if a user is working with ISO images and wants to get an idea of what is inside.

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