Posted: 1 July 2020. At: 4:15 PM. This was 4 years ago. Post ID: 14455
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How to spawn a nuke explosion with a script in Arma 3 with RHS.

This is how to spawn a nuke explosion with a script in Arma 3. This only does damage in a small radius, but it still is a lot of fun.

[getMarkerPos "respawn_west", 500] call rhs_fnc_ss21_nuke;

This section of code will spawn a HE SCUD missile on a certain location defined by the _Location variable. This is the position of an offroad vehicle that I want to be destroyed by a missile.

_Location = [6161.73,7046.66,0.00946617];
Nuke = createVehicle ["RHS_9N123F", [(Location select 0),( Location select 1)], [], 0, "FLY"];

This version of the nuke script will set a 900m radius and a very powerful yield.

[getMarkerPos "respawn_west", 2900, 900] call rhs_fnc_ss21_nuke;

This works very well and does have a nice mushroom cloud to boot.

This is how to spawn an attack helicopter in the air that will then fly off to patrol a location.

_locationHeli = [2026.04,9947.63,4.29153e-006];
_CounterHeloType = selectRandom ["RHS_Mi24P_vdv","RHS_Mi24V_vdv","RHS_Mi8MTV3_vdv","RHS_Mi8MTV3_heavy_vdv","rhs_mi28n_vvsc","RHS_Ka52_vvsc"];
_heli = [_locationHeli, 112.516, _CounterHeloType, east] call bis_fnc_spawnvehicle;
[_heli select 2, Loc] call BIS_fnc_taskAttack;
_heliVeh = _heli select 0;
_heliVeh addEventHandler ["Fired",{ (_this select 0) setVehicleAmmo 1 }];

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