Posted: 6 February 2020. At: 9:46 AM. This was 4 years ago. Post ID: 14036
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Windows update KB4532695 is causing loss of Internet connectivity for users.

The latest Windows Update KB4532695 is causing the Internet connections of Windows 10 users to drop out. This is embarrassing for Microsoft. They are so useless they cannot even put out a simple update without the Internet breaking or audio failing. They are useless. That is why Linux should become more popular. Windows 10 users have installed this update and had the sound subsystem fail. How embarrassing. This is not what you would expect from a company like this. They used to be great, now they are a joke. Their useless programmers probably cannot even program a new version of Notepad without failing. That is how useless they are as a company. They should make an open-source version of Windows and let the community fix it. But that would be a massive job. Microsoft cannot write a whole new version of Windows from scratch, they are too incompetent for that. Best to give up and bring back OS/2 Warp instead. I will never run Windows 10, it is not finished yet. Another bug with the Internet connection on Windows 10, is the slow speed supplied by the network adapter after the update. This is horrible. Bill Gates should come back and fix this.

But I doubt he even cares anymore. if you roll back the settings this can still break the system, it is not worth installing in the first place. This can still leave you with a broken file explorer. As well as other issues. Better to still run Windows 8.1 instead. That has far fewer issues and runs well as a normal user. Just use User Account Control if you need to install something. And the sound and networking just works. As well as on Ubuntu and Debian. They do not have issues like this, and even if they did, it would be fixed fast. That is the difference between Linux and Windows, the Windows developers do not care, as long as they get paid. Just rush it out, then get paid. Testing does not matter. Will this ever change? will Microsoft ever own up to their own failings and fix this horrible mess? “I’m on a Fiber optical connection with Wi-Fi and I’m getting a less than 1mb/s reception while my other wifi enabled device running Android are doing ok,” a user said.

“Thank god I decided to update it on the weekends to later realize that my either internal and external WiFi adapters STOPPED working. That’s on a laptop without Ethernet. You cannot roll back the update, Troubleshoot app cannot help (it is useless in 90% of cases), Network reset function couldn’t resolve the issue as well,” another angry user on Microsoft forum notes. Users have even had the Windows search box fail. That is horrible. Imagine installing an update like this on a critical server machine, this would be catastrophic if it was an important piece of your business and it went down. This is an example of a poorly managed software company.

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Information on this update:

List of files supplied with this update:

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