Posted: 2 December 2019. At: 10:40 AM. This was 5 years ago. Post ID: 13824
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Social Network movie showed KDE 2.2 desktop and Linux OS.

The Social Network movie featured a KDE 2.2 desktop and a nice Linux Konsole command line terminal. He is listing connections by viewing a log file with the watch utility. This also shows the Emacs text editor to edit the PHP code for his little project. This is a very interesting screenshot, it shows a nice KDE desktop interface, but I wonder what computer he really used, did he even use Linux in college? I guess it is free and comes with a ton of development applications for working with code. So this would make a lot of sense. Linux makes more sense than using Windows 10 that is beset with update issues and is not worth the money you pay for it at the moment. KDE 2.2 had the best feel, the Keramik theme was very easy to use, nowadays you get themes with edges one atom thick and you fiddle too long trying to grab the edge of a window to resize it, this should not even be happening in 2019. But the mobile craze is continuing and this may not stop for a while. The Keramik theme for KDE legacy allows a much larger window border to grab on to.

KDE desktop and Konsole terminal in The Social Network movie.
KDE desktop and Konsole terminal in The Social Network movie.

The screenshot below shows a sensible window decoration theme, this has a nice large border to grab and looks good too. Not the modern craze with the border as thin as possible and you cannot even grab hold of it. This is how it should be. But UI design is very strange these days, with the Gnome Shell desktop using a sliding desktop to reveal the applications icons and the sliding lock screen to unlock your desktop, just like a mobile phone, it is very annoying. A Linux PC is not a mobile `phone, do not treat it as one. The older Linux desktop interfaces did not do this, so do not start now. I hope that this craze ends and we get back to better desktop environments like a KDE 2.2 clone. Although we have Trinity Desktop Environment, that is a very good choice if you wish to use a nice retro desktop on a modern PC. It is just like an old Linux desktop, but you are using it in 2019.

Konsole virtual terminal running in KDE 2.
Konsole virtual terminal running in KDE 2.

I wish other Linux utilities like Electric Eyes, which was a nice image viewer for Red Linux 5.2. But the code requires the old gnome.h header for compilation, and other things as well, so it will not work on a modern PC. Which is a shame. But we have countless others anyway. it would be very hard to compile a Gnome 1.0 utility on a modern Linux OS anyway. For the movie, they might have installed an older Linux distribution on a computer to be period accurate, but I like the Keramik theme, so it is a winner.

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