Posted: 27 November 2019. At: 10:24 AM. This was 5 years ago. Post ID: 13812
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Desktop environments of old were quite sleek and usable.

The desktop environments of old were very fast and sleek. The operating systems as a whole, with the old INIT systems, would load very fast indeed. What has gone wrong with Linux? The introduction of Systemd has slowed systems down. That is a shame. they used to load quite a lot faster. And the possibility of easily stopping the graphical interface from running by altering the /etc/inittab file to stop GDM from running is replaced by Systemd commands that are a whole new thing you need to learn when fixing Linux. And care must be taken to not stop essential services from loading that are required by Linux. I guess this is progress, like Gnome 2, which had nothing wrong with it replaced by Gnome shell. That is another thing that was not necessary. And Windows 10, which has countless issues regarding updates, which are not tested before release. That is due to the fact there is not a testing branch that could be used for this, before releasing the updates on to the unfortunate users. That is not a good look in 2019.

KDE 2.2 desktop on Linux. This was very nice to use.
KDE 2.2 desktop on Linux. This was very nice to use.

But that is what they call progress in 2019. After Bill Gates left Microsoft, it all went downhill. That is very bad for the company, they used to have good software, now it is all going downhill. The latest November 2019 update broke the file manager, and now searches are broken. This is amazing, they do not bother testing any updates before releasing them. They are hopeless. The Windows codebase has become so massive that changing one part of it breaks others, then it needs to be fixed, which could break something else. This is tragic. Microsoft cannot even manage their own codebase without it turning into a massive mess and applications and services failing. Why not start afresh and start a whole new version of Windows from scratch? That would be a lot of work but would pay off in the end. This would be a very brave step and would reinstate trust in Microsoft, which is eroding at the moment. And would be a great news story too. The only thing is that expectations would be very high, and they would have to deliver a quality product. Still, it is better than managing the horribly complicated Windows 10 codebase. That has become too complicated, with much code in it.

A whole new operating system from scratch would be a great opportunity to build in more security, from the ground up. Or is this too much work? And a whole new web browser as well. A new Windows operating system, with secure code and secure software, would be a top seller and cement Microsoft as a top software company once again. or are they too scared to take the leap and take on such a massive project, that would take time, but would pay off big time in the long run? I think it would be the shot in the arm that this company needs to rebuild its image and then the stock price as well. That is a win-win situation. so why not do something that will pay off so handsomely for the company? A whole new Windows operating system with a whole new kernel and codebase from scratch, this would be amazing. And the integration of Windows Services for Linux could still be used, this allows running Open Source software on Windows in a Linux shell. Like running Apache and testing web applications easily. Trust in the software giant is rapidly eroding and rebuilding their image should be a priority.

Or, does this not matter? I think it does, why are such bugs allowed to exist, they should bother to fix them, but they do not. Linux will take over from Microsoft at this rate. I will never run Windows 10, it is just not worth it. And writing a whole new OS would allow the creation of a new sleek and fast interface, that is geared towards the desktop and not mobile devices, gamers and content creators still use desktop computers, so the desktop interface must reflect this. Not a stupid mobile-oriented interface like Gnome Shell, I do not like that at all. MATE desktop is for more usable.

Old Windows desktop with Internet Explorer open.
Old Windows 2000 desktop with Internet Explorer open.

Linux has a wide variety of desktops to suit everyone. and the original Windows 2000 interface was very fast and usable, there was no need to mess with it.  The Windows 10 desktop with the giant ads on the menu was an abomination, get rid of it. A new Windows OS, written from the ground up with super-secure code and a Windows 2000 interface would be a top seller. Why not do it, Redmond?

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