Posted: 25 November 2019. At: 11:54 AM. This was 5 years ago. Post ID: 13795
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Useful scripts for Arch Linux users.

This script will check for updates on an Arch Linux machine. This could be run as a daemon with CRON.

export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus DISPLAY=:0
mkdir /tmp/checkup-db && ln -s "${dbpath}/local" "${tmpdb}"
fakeroot -- yay -Syyb "${tmpdb}" --logfile /dev/null
updates="$(yay -Qub "${tmpdb}" 2>/dev/null)"
[[ -n "$updates" ]] && notify-send -t 299000 'New updates available' "$updates"

Check Arch Linux packages against a known vulnerabilities database.

use this script function to do the actual checking.

function ud(){
    printf '\e[91m\e[1m::\e[0m \e[1mRunning yay -Syyu\e[0m\n'
    yay -Syyu
    printf '\n\e[91m\e[1m::\e[0m \e[1mRunning yay -Rns $(yay -Qdtq)\e[0m\n'
    yay -Rns $(yay -Qdtq)
    printf '\n\e[91m\e[1m::\e[0m \e[1mRunning yay -Scc\e[0m'
    printf 'y\ny\ny\n' | yay -Scc &>/dev/null
    printf '\nDone.\n\n\e[91m\e[1m::\e[0m \e[1mRunning yay -Ps\e[0m\n'
    yay -Ps
    printf '\n\e[91m\e[1m::\e[0m \e[1mRunning avg-audit\e[0m\n'
    avg-audit -f packages,severity,type,affected,name
    ## Uncomment to update mirrorlist every 3 days
    #if ! find /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist -mtime +3 -exec false {} +; then
    #    printf '\e[91m\e[1m::\e[0m \e[1mMirrorlist is more than 3 days old, refreshing..\e[0m\n'
    #    if sudo reflector -l 200 -n 20 -p https --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist; then
    #        printf ' Done. No errors were reported.\n\n'
    #    else
    #        printf ' There was an error when running reflector.\n\n'
    #    fi

This will help ensure that your Arch Linux Linux system is up to date.

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