Posted: 1 November 2019. At: 12:54 PM. This was 5 years ago. Post ID: 13721
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Nice script for Arma 3 that will provide icons and player name over heads.

This is a very nice script for Arma 3 that will give each player a icon over their heads and their name and role. This is very useful for IFF and works very well.

addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", {
		if ((side _x) == west) then {
			drawIcon3D [([_x, "texture"] call BIS_fnc_rankParams), [0,1,1,1], visiblePosition _x vectorAdd [0,0,3], 0.6, 0.6, 45, format ["%1 : %2", name _x, str((configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> TypeOf _x >> "displayName") call BIS_fnc_GetCfgData)], 1, 0.05, "Caveat"];
	} forEach allUnits;

Give this a go to help provide protection against accidental team kills. Put this in initPlayerLocal.sqf and your mission will have a fun component to identify other players on the battlefield.

This code will put flags on vehicles when players are in them. This will also help out.

// Keep a NATO flag on vehicles with players in it
player addEventHandler ["GetInMan", {
	if ([typeOf (_this select 2), CLIENT_FlagVehicleFilter] call KER_fnc_passesTypeFilter) then {
		missionNamespace setVariable ['LicensePlate',getPlateNumber (_this select 2),FALSE];
		(_this select 2) forceFlagTexture "\A3\Data_F\Flags\Flag_NATO_CO.paa";
		(_this select 2) setPlateNumber PlayerRole;
player addEventHandler ["GetOutMan", {
	if ({ isPlayer _x } count crew (_this select 2) == 0) then {
		(_this select 2) forceFlagTexture "";
		(_this select 2) setPlateNumber LicensePlate;

Even more useful code for mission makers.

Spawn the biggest possible explosion in the game and then damage everything around it.

bomb="ammo_Missile_Cruise_01" createVehicle [4103.3,3555.95,0.567905];
sleep 1;
	_x setdamage 1;
	sleep 0.6;
} foreach ( nearestobjects [[4103.3,3555.95,0.567905], [], 150 ] );

This works gradually to avoid lag, but does work very well.

One thought on “Nice script for Arma 3 that will provide icons and player name over heads.

  1. This code can show the player’s ID number ???????

    “””” addMissionEventHandler [ “Draw3D” , {
    if ( ( side _x ) == west ) então {
    drawIcon3D [ ( [ _x , “texture” ] chama BIS_fnc_rankParams ) , [ 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 ] , visiblePosition _x vectorAdd [ 0 , 0 , 3 ] , 0,6 , 0,6 , 45 ,formato [ “% 1:% 2” , nome _x , str ( ( configFile >> “CfgVehicles” >> TypeOf _x >> “displayName” ) chama BIS_fnc_GetCfgData ) ] , 1 , 0,05 , “Advertência” ] ;
    } ;
    } forEach allUnits ;
    } ] ; “”””

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