Posted: 19 September 2019. At: 8:49 AM. This was 5 years ago. Post ID: 13565
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Get information about your swap partition with this simple command.

This command will print information about your swap partition easily using the Linux command line.

root@Yog-Sothoth:~# swapon -s -v
Filename				Type		Size	Used	Priority
/dev/sda5                              	partition	7811068	0	-2
/dev/dm-1                              	partition	62500860	0	-3

The –show parameter allows customizing the output. This is useful for only displaying the columns that you wish to output. I am showing the UUID, the amount of used disk space, and other pertinent information.

root@Yog-Sothoth:~# swapon --show="UUID,USED,SIZE,LABEL,NAME,TYPE"
UUID                                 USED  SIZE LABEL NAME      TYPE
708eeee4-4503-4755-8427-21a52921d7ba   0B  7.5G       /dev/sda5 partition
7bb6b380-aeff-4389-9c48-687d4d6dc58d   0B 59.6G       /dev/dm-1 partition

Another way to get good information about the Linux swap partition.

root@Yog-Sothoth:~# lsblk | grep SWAP
├─sda5            8:5    0   7.5G  0 part [SWAP]
│ └─fedora-swap 253:1    0  59.6G  0 lvm  [SWAP]

To get comprehensive information about what is actually in your swap partition, use the smem utility.

Just install the utility on your Linux system.

sudo apt-get install smem

Then run this command to get this information. This is the abbreviated content of my swap partition.

4.4 Thu Sep 19 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ smem -s swap -t -k -n
  PID User     Command                         Swap      USS      PSS      RSS 
 4124 1000     /lib/systemd/systemd --user        0     1.6M     2.4M     8.3M 
 4142 1000     /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session        0   668.0K   739.0K     5.9M 
 4148 1000     /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --sess        0     1.7M     1.8M     5.4M 
 4155 1000     /bin/sh /snap/communitheme/        0   204.0K   213.0K     1.8M 
 4261 1000     /usr/lib/gnome-session/gnom        0     3.0M     3.4M    14.8M 
 4263 1000     /usr/lib/at-spi2-core/at-sp        0   796.0K   918.0K     6.9M 
 4268 1000     /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --conf        0   528.0K   624.0K     4.2M 
 4270 1000     /usr/lib/at-spi2-core/at-sp        0   828.0K   933.0K     7.0M 
 4287 1000     /usr/bin/gnome-shell               0   195.9M   213.2M   268.3M 
 4293 1000     /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfsd                0     1.1M     1.2M     7.1M 
 4298 1000     /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfsd-fuse /r        0  1008.0K     1.1M     6.2M 
 4309 1000     /usr/bin/pulseaudio --start        0    17.9M    20.4M    28.7M 
 4324 1000     ibus-daemon --xim --panel d        0     1.6M     1.8M     7.9M 
 4325 1000     /usr/libexec/xdg-permission        0   588.0K   664.0K     5.6M 
 4332 1000     /usr/lib/ibus/ibus-dconf           0   796.0K   919.0K     6.7M 
 4334 1000     /usr/lib/ibus/ibus-x11 --ki        0     4.6M     5.0M    20.6M 
 4336 1000     /usr/lib/ibus/ibus-portal          0   716.0K   818.0K     6.6M 
 4346 1000     /usr/lib/gnome-shell/gnome-        0     3.6M     5.2M    21.0M 
 4355 1000     /usr/lib/dconf/dconf-servic        0     1.4M     1.5M     5.7M 
 4356 1000     /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-udisks2-        0     2.3M     2.6M    10.0M 
 4365 1000     /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-mtp-volu        0   796.0K   843.0K     6.0M 
 4366 1000     /usr/lib/evolution/evolutio        0     4.9M     6.1M    25.2M 
 4370 1000     /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-gphoto2-        0     1.1M     1.2M     6.7M 
 4377 1000     /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-goa-volu        0   800.0K   900.0K     6.0M 
 4380 1000     /usr/lib/gnome-online-accou        0     5.7M    11.3M    31.0M

This shows that it is still used on modern systems. I have 12 gigabytes of RAM, and it still needs the swap partition. I am not sure if Linux still has a kernel panic if it runs out of memory, but it is better to be safe than sorry.

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