Posted: 1 August 2019. At: 11:22 AM. This was 5 years ago. Post ID: 13425
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Get information about users on your Linux system easily.

A Linux system can have a lot of users in the /etc/passwd file. But it is easy to keep track of your users with the command line.

The lslogins command will print a listing of known users on your Linux system.

An example of the usage.

jason@jason-Virtual-Machine:~$ lslogins
    0 root                 112                              root
    1 daemon                 0                              daemon
    2 bin                    0                              bin
    3 sys                    0                              sys
    4 sync                   0                              sync
    5 games                  0                              games
    6 man                    0                              man
    7 lp                     0                              lp
    8 mail                   0                              mail
    9 news                   0                              news
   10 uucp                   0                              uucp
   13 proxy                  0                              proxy
   33 www-data               0                              www-data
   34 backup                 0                              backup
   38 list                   0                              Mailing List Manager
   39 irc                    0                              ircd
   41 gnats                  0                              Gnats Bug-Reporting System (admin)
  100 systemd-timesync       1                              systemd Time Synchronization,,,
  101 systemd-network        0                              systemd Network Management,,,
  102 systemd-resolve        1                              systemd Resolver,,,
  103 messagebus             1
  104 syslog                 1
  105 _apt                   0
  106 uuidd                  0
  107 avahi-autoipd          0                              Avahi autoip daemon,,,
  108 usbmux                 0                              usbmux daemon,,,
  109 rtkit                  1                              RealtimeKit,,,
  110 dnsmasq                0                              dnsmasq,,,
  111 cups-pk-helper         0                              user for cups-pk-helper service,,,
  112 speech-dispatcher      0                              Speech Dispatcher,,,
  113 kernoops               2                              Kernel Oops Tracking Daemon,,,
  114 avahi                  2                              Avahi mDNS daemon,,,
  115 saned                  0
  116 nm-openvpn             0                              NetworkManager OpenVPN,,,
  117 whoopsie               1
  118 colord                 1                              colord colour management daemon,,,
  119 hplip                  0                              HPLIP system user,,,
  120 geoclue                0
  121 pulse                  0                              PulseAudio daemon,,,
  122 gnome-initial-setup    0
  123 gdm                   33                              Gnome Display Manager
  124 sshd                   0
  999 systemd-coredump       0                              systemd Core Dumper
 1000 jason                 62                        20:38 john,,,
65534 nobody                 0                              nobody

List all users on your system that require a password to login.

jason@jason-Virtual-Machine:~$ lslogins -u -p
   0 root                                    0
1000 jason                                   0      0

Display the user`s last login time.

jason@jason-Virtual-Machine:~$ lslogins -L | grep jason
 1000 jason               pts/0        20:38

List all currently logged in users on your computer system.

jason@jason-Virtual-Machine:~$ who
jason    :1           2019-07-31 20:38 (:1)
jason    pts/0        2019-07-31 20:38 (

List all home directories listed in /etc/passwd.

jason@jason-Virtual-Machine:~$ awk -F: '{ print $6}' /etc/passwd | grep "/home"

How to use the bash shell to find all normal users listed in the /etc/passwd with a UID above 1000.

jason@jason-Virtual-Machine:~$ getent passwd {1000..60000} | awk -F: '{ print $1}'

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