Posted: 24 July 2019. At: 8:24 PM. This was 5 years ago. Post ID: 13401
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Windows still having issues with updates in 2019.

Linux and Windows are continually in a state of competition, but the problem with Windows 10 is the update methods that create many and varied problems that should never even happen in the first place. The Linux and Macintosh operating systems do not have that many problems when upgrading. I have updated Macintosh OS to a whole new version, and I had no problems at all. And Linux may be updated in place and have no issues either, it is just Windows 10 that is rife with issues regarding updates to the operating system that can result in the OS not working properly at all. The May 2019 Windows update had issues with Bluetooth devices, this should not even be a thing, it should be possible to test and verify the Bluetooth stack is working on an operating system before releasing an update. But the Windows 10 OS is so complicated and bloated, that many things can and do go wrong with the updates to the underlying drivers and the kernel. Windows Update needs more testing with a wide variety of hardware before the update is delivered to the main userbase, there could be a development version of Windows, that receives the updates before the general public, and this would allow testing.

This is a great idea, this would remove many of the problems associated with updates. Then you need an update to fix the update. But what if Windows Update breaks? I like using Linux for various things, and it is very easy to fix if something goes wrong. Like if a software install fails, the user can run sudo apt -f install to fix the package installation and then use the software. That is easier than on Windows. Linux has the kernel source code available to install when ever you wish. Windows will never be open-source. That would never happen, then the source would be perused en-masse to find and fix bugs, and even make a fork of Windows for a specific purpose. There are a few open-source Windows projects, but the entire kernel is not open. Although, this is a good start. Windows does ship with the option to install Ubuntu to run natively within Windows, this allows a user to run Apache web server and run a web page for development and testing without using Virtualbox or VMWare. That is very nice. Runs very well too.

Microsoft open source:

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