Posted: 21 June 2019. At: 2:44 PM. This was 5 years ago. Post ID: 13343
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How to script an artillery piece to fire on a certain position in Arma 3.

To make an artillery piece to fire on a certain spot in the editor, firstly, place the Scorcher unit, name it “arty1” and put this code in the init.

this addeventhandler ["fired", {(_this select 0) setvehicleammo 1}]

This will give it unlimited ammo. Then place a car wreck, something like that at the destination, and name it “car1”. Then put this code in the initServer.sqf file.

[arty1,car1,"32Rnd_155mm_Mo_shells",100,24,10] spawn BIS_fnc_fireSupport;

Once this is all done, run the mission, and the artillery unit will begin firing on the target. This is a very useful script and makes it very simple to set up artillery bombardment of a location in the game.

Use it like this instead, and the artillery is virtual, this means you do not need an actual artillery piece in the game, just the target. But it does the same thing.

[car1, "32Rnd_155mm_Mo_shells", 100, 24, 10] spawn BIS_fnc_fireSupportVirtual;

Yet another example, this will blanket an area with 155mm AT mine cluster rounds. The rounds spawn 4900 meters up. This is very effective to destroy enemies in a large radius.

[getMarkerPos "Marker_6","AT_Mine_155mm_AMOS_range",300,6400,10,nil, 32,4900, 150] spawn BIS_fnc_fireSupportVirtual;

How to spawn a missile in Arma 3 that will seek out and destroy a target.

This code will spawn the large cruise missile that will destroy a target it is locked on to and also create a massive explosion. This is almost the largest explosion in the game.

Here is the code in question.

[[8132.62,4392.19,1110.44], "ammo_Missile_Cruise_01", car1, 180, false, [0,0,0.25]] spawn BIS_fnc_exp_camp_guidedProjectile;

This is spectacular.

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