Posted: 6 June 2019. At: 2:04 AM. This was 5 years ago. Post ID: 13308
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Comparing database engines.

Comparing database engines is quite complex when you are deciding on which engine to use for managing a database on a desktop machine or a database for a website, although the MySQL engine is the most refined and stable database engine that is available today. Installation is very simple and after the installation it is easy to get started with the MySQl application, it comes with a default database named `test` and this is ready to fill with tables and data or you may wish to create a new database and fill that with data. It is available for Linux and Windows just as OracleDB is, but MySQL is easier to use I have found, I am still getting my head around the OracleDB command syntax, whereas MySQL is easy once you learn the SQL language. But if I had learned OracleDB instead it would be second nature, since Facebook uses the MySQL database engine and countless others; it is an easy choice. MySQL is very popular in teaching institutions, this is easy to install on Windows and Linux, is a very simple database to use for anything, even an Arma 3 server to save player profiles. Anything can be put into a database, even files.

The majority of the Internet use the LAMP platform, the simplicity of deploying a MySQL powered server is a great attraction and since MySQL is integrated simply with Apache and the Linux or BSD as an operating system for hosting, it makes it easier than some other database solutions. OracleDb of course has a different SQL syntax, the same as the MSSQL language used by the Microsoft SQL Server 2008, but that can also use standard SQL syntax, and is in my opinion a better GUI solution for managing database tables than SQL Workbench. If you learn the SQL syntax used by the MySQL database engine, then managing the databases with the command-line is simple. I would prefer it if all database engines had the same syntax. But stick with one database engine if you know it well, unless the administrator is knowledgeable in many aspects of database engines and is familiar with more than one. Then the administrator could work with any database engine. A sound knowledge of the underlying functions of databases is important for anyone who is interested in database engines. The world is becoming more and more connected, this is a good thing, and a bad thing, but it is the future.

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