Posted: 15 May 2019. At: 11:28 AM. This was 5 years ago. Post ID: 13254
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Fedora 30 is very annoying to use. But works fine in qemu.

I could not get the networking to work with Fedora 30. The kernel version is 5. This will not allow me to install the VMWare addons, the drivers will not compile. This is a problem. And every time I load the distribution I have to reset the desktop resolution. I will try it in KVM and see if I have more luck. it should work better in that or qemu. That has a standard hardware selection and should not need extra drivers to function. I tried kernel 5 on my Ubuntu 18 machine and the NVidia drivers would not compile. This means I cannot install a vanilla kernel anymore. But the 4.18 kernel I am currently running is just fine. I just do not know why the networking does not work at all in VMWare. Every other distribution works. Even OpenBSD works perfectly. I could not fix this at all. I was using NAT, the standard networking setup for VMWare. And I tried Bridged as well. Neither worked. This really needs to be fixed. Who stuffed this up? But I guess, it is a new distribution and a new way of doing things. If you are interested in this distribution, download it here: This does have a nice desktop though.

Fedora 30 installation.
Installing Fedora in qemu.

I am installing it in qemu and it works fine. The networking is all good. So I will see what I can do with it now that it is working and installed in a proper virtual machine. I followed the instructions in this posting to get a VM running in qemu. This works with Windows and also for Linux distributions. I am downloading updates for my Fedora installation, and then I can get to testing GTK themes. I need to find out how to make the window title bars thinner, my old trick does not work in the latest Gnome build.

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