Posted: 30 April 2019. At: 10:59 AM. This was 5 years ago. Post ID: 13182
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Get information about your OpenBSD system easily.

The OpenBSD operating system has many ways to get system info. One way is to use the sysstat utility. This returns comprehensive information about a running UNIX system.

Run sysstat with no parameters and you will get output like this.

   2 users Load 0.51 0.36 0.16                                neo.home 10:32:19
            memory totals (in KB)            PAGING   SWAPPING     Interrupts
           real   virtual     free           in  out   in  out      101 total
Active    70972     70972  3347280   ops                            100 clock
All      702836    702836  7588404   pages                            1 mpi0
Proc:r  d  s  w    Csw   Trp   Sys   Int   Sof  Flt       forks         em0
          63        30          35     1   100    6       fkppw         pckbc0
                                                          fksvm         pckbc0
   0.0%Int   0.0%Spn   0.0%Sys   0.0%Usr 100.0%Idle       pwait
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |       relck
Namei         Sys-cache    Proc-cache    No-cache         ndcpy
    Calls     hits    %    hits     %    miss   %         fltcp
Disks   cd0   sd0                                   33750 fmin
seeks                                               45000 ftarg
xfers           1                                         itarg
speed          2K                                       1 wired
  sec         0.0                                         pdfre
                                                          pzidl         IPKTS
                                                       13 kmape         OPKTS

The vmstat utility returns information about kernel statistics, this can provide details of virtual memory.

neo$ vmstat                                                                                                                                                                                                              
 procs    memory       page                    disks    traps          cpu
 r   s   avm     fre  flt  re  pi  po  fr  sr cd0 sd0  int   sys   cs us sy id
 1  62   66M   3271M  198   0   0   0   0   0   0  15   19   358   74  0  1 9

To return details of disk activity, and CPU usage, use the iostat command, this can also be used on Linux.

neo$ iostat      
      tty              cd0               sd0                cpu
 tin tout  KB/t  t/s  MB/s   KB/t  t/s  MB/s  us ni sy sp in id
   0   30  0.00    0  0.00  19.14   16  0.31   0  0  1  0  0 99

Show alternate disk statistics using this flag.

neo$ iostat -D
              cd0               sd0 
     KB  xfr time      KB  xfr time 
      0    0 0.00     277   15 0.02

For the retrieval of hardware information on OpenBSD, use the sysctl command.

neo$ sysctl grep hw 
sysctl: top level name grep in grep is invalid
hw.model=Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz
hw.sensors.acpiac0.indicator0=On (power supply)
hw.sensors.vmt0.timedelta0=-72.617481 secs, OK, Tue Apr 30 10:50:16.778
hw.vendor=VMware, Inc.
hw.product=VMware Virtual Platform
hw.serialno=VMware-56 4d 19 23 1f cd bc d9-b2 ce 91 c3 44 6f 3b 80

This gives a nice listing of hardware installed in our machine, which in my case is VMware. This also lists the acpi sensors that may be installed and usable.

To list just the disk names, not the rest of the output, use this example as a guide.

neo$ sysctl | grep hw.disknames | cut -d '=' -f 2 

Just use grep as normal, then use cut to set the = sign as the delimiter, and then also select the column of text you wish to echo. Then we can filter for certain hardware information.

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