Posted: 6 July 2020. At: 9:07 AM. This was 4 years ago. Post ID: 13089
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Very useful CMD commands to use on a Windows machine.

To get system information about a Windows PC, use this simple command in CMD.

systeminfo /FO CSV /NH

This should give the user a CSV formatted output that can be imported into a spreadsheet.

Search a folder of text files for a specific text string. This is a very useful Windows utility.

findstr /S "fn_WLPlayersTracking.sqf" *.*

Here is a nice example, searching a bunch of text files for certain strings.

c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc>findstr "ftp" *.*
services:ftp-data           20/tcp                           #FTP, data
services:ftp                21/tcp                           #FTP. control
services:tftp               69/udp                           #Trivial File Transfer
services:mftp              349/tcp
services:mftp              349/udp
services:ftps-data         989/tcp                           #FTP data, over TLS/SSL
services:ftps              990/tcp                           #FTP control, over TLS/SSL

This example is using the /S parameter to enable the utility to search subdirectories as well.

c:\Windows\System32\drivers>findstr /S "ftp" *.*
etc\services:ftp-data           20/tcp                           #FTP, data
etc\services:ftp                21/tcp                           #FTP. control
etc\services:tftp               69/udp                           #Trivial File Transfer
etc\services:mftp              349/tcp
etc\services:mftp              349/udp
etc\services:ftps-data         989/tcp                           #FTP data, over TLS/SSL
etc\services:ftps              990/tcp                           #FTP control, over TLS/SSL

Another useful utility is the where command, introduced in Windows 7. This can search for certain files.

c:\Windows\System32\drivers>where /r . win*

Get more information about the files like this.

c:\Windows\System32\drivers>dir win* /s /p
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 1E66-902E
 Directory of c:\Windows\System32\drivers
10/29/2014  13:56            61,208 winhv.sys
04/10/2017  06:40            48,128 winhvr.sys
10/11/2015  04:40            78,848 winusb.sys
               3 File(s)        188,184 bytes
     Total Files Listed:
               3 File(s)        188,184 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  521,199,816,704 bytes free

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