Posted: 21 February 2019. At: 6:47 AM. This was 5 years ago. Post ID: 12941
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New Chinese movie set in the future where Earth is turned into a spaceship.

The new Chinese film “Wandering Earth” concerns the death of the Sun and it turning into a red Giant early. And the massive project to propel the Earth out of the solar system and to Alpha Centauri in 2500 years. This would require a speed of 1.074×10^6 mph (miles per hour). 480 Kilometers per second. That is a massive speed. This is due to massive thrusters built around the equator. But this movie does fall over in certain points. Without a geomagnetic field the radiation from the Red Sun, solar wind and space in general would turn earth to a barren wasteland. It wouldn’t even make it to a frozen state. Also the moment they attempt to reach Jupiter the radiation from it’s own magnetosphere will cause critical damage to remaining life and cause complications for the technology. 480 KM/S is a massive speed, if it hit an asteroid at that speed, it would be game over for earth. How are they going to contend with that? And sputtering from interstellar debris? That would be a very entertaining lightshow, watching Earth being hit by rocks at that speed, they would not need to worry about the super-low temperatures in deep space.

This movie is similar to a 1962 Japanese movie called Gorath, where humans constructed immense rocket boosters at the south pole to push the Earth out of the way of a rogue planet object that is threatening to collide with the Earth. Then push it back into the proper orbit once it had passed by. This was successful and the Earth was saved. I guess it would look like the blast from the giant Starkiller base in Star Wars, with a giant blast of energy going into space and propelling the Earth slowly along. This was not traveling to another star system though, this was just moving the Earth out of the way of a rogue planet smaller than Earth, but with 6000 times the gravity. But a pretty awesome film for the time. The premise of the new film is different, the majority of the Earth engines are failing and the humans armed with rifles and huge miniguns for some reason are trying to restart them. There is one funny scene where one guy is angry and firing a minigun at Jupiter. His bullets did not even leave the atmosphere, but very funny anyway. China are proving they can make Science Fiction movies just like Western studios.

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