Posted: 18 February 2019. At: 10:32 AM. This was 5 years ago. Post ID: 12927
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Very cool Linux scripts I have found on the Internet.

A collection of nice Linux scripts I have found on the Internet.

Nice pipes terminal screensaver, this is a nice addition to your Linux terminal emulator.

A collection of very useful MPV user scripts.

use Byzanz to capture your Linux desktop to a file for a certain duration.

A nice packet capture and analysis utility, that is like tcpdump.

A very simple backup script for making a backup of your home directory, and then copying it to a safe place.

#!/usr/bin/perl -W
use strict;
use POSIX ("strftime");
# A script to backup some files.
my $homedir = "$ENV{'HOME'}";
my $user = $ENV{'LOGNAME'};
my $date = strftime("%A-%d-%B-%Y-%H-%M-%S", localtime);
my $backupdrive = "/media/$user/backups";
print "Which directory do you want to backup?n";
chomp(my $dir = <STDIN>);
if(!$dir) {
	print "No Directory selected!n";
} else {
	my $target="$homedir/$dir";
	my $file = "$homedir/$user-$date.tgz";
	system("tar -cvf $file $target");
	print "nnSuccessful backup of directory: $dir.n";
# Naming the outfile.
	my $outfile="$user-$date.tgz";
# Moving the backup file to the destination.
	print "Moving the archive $outfile to the backup drive.n";
	system("mv $outfile $backupdrive");
# Checking to see if the backup file exists.
	my $filename = "$backupdrive/$outfile";
	if (-e $filename) {
		print "nnBackup file exists. Great Success!\n\n";

Glances. A nice new networking script for Linux that runs on Python.

Useful Linux ideas and tips. Print graphical notifications from a shell script.

Universal archive unpacker script for Linux. Easily unpack any archive with the terminal.

How to use a Python script to extract information from the Firefox web browser.

Various Apple open-source software used by Mac OSX which also work on Linux.

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