Posted: 26 October 2018. At: 10:47 AM. This was 6 years ago. Post ID: 12629
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Arma 3 scripting tricks and samples for making missions.

Detect if a player has the APEX DLC.

if (395180 in getDLCs 1) then {
	(_this select 0) ctrlsettext '\a3\Ui_f\Data\Logos\arma3apex_white_ca.paa';

Remove all NVG goggles and weapons from enemies.

{ if (side _x == east) then {
	_x unassignItem "NVGoggles";
	_x removeItem "NVGoggles";
	removeallweapons _x;
} foreach allunits;

Spawn a nice sandbagged area with a few static guns emplaced within. This is good for spawning a defense area in an enemy controlled zone.

ammoDump1 = [
	["rhs_casing_105mm_m14b1",[3.30664,3.91406,0.000259399],0,1,0,[0,4.00412],"","this enablesimulation false; this allowdamage false",true,false], 
	["rhs_casing_105mm_m14b1",[3.60156,3.72656,0.000259399],307.807,1,0,[0,0],"","this enablesimulation false; this allowdamage false",true,false], 
	["Land_fort_bagfence_round",[-5.92383,2.40234,0.0745544],282.973,1,0,[0,0],"","this enablesimulation false; this allowdamage false",true,false], 
	["rhs_casing_105mm_m14b1",[3.62891,4.00195,0.000259399],90.5116,1,0,[0,-0],"","this enablesimulation false; this allowdamage false",true,false], 
	["Land_fort_bagfence_round",[-4.76953,-4.42578,0.0652313],238.231,1,0,[0,0],"","this enablesimulation false; this allowdamage false",true,false], 
	["Land_fort_bagfence_round",[-0.291016,6.91992,0.000549316],0,1,0,[0,4.00412],"","this enablesimulation false; this allowdamage false",true,false], 
	["Land_fort_bagfence_round",[6.14258,4.02344,-0.0526733],48.1463,1,0,[0,0],"","this enablesimulation false; this allowdamage false",true,false], 
	["Land_fort_bagfence_round",[0.294922,-8.75391,0.0315399],203.912,1,0,[0,0],"","this enablesimulation false; this allowdamage false",true,false]
_hqdef400 = [Loc, 95, 400, 10, 0, 0.5, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
gunz = [_hqdef400, 59.016, ammoDump1 ] call BIS_fnc_objectsMapper;
_randPos333 = [Loc, 1, 60, 3, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
_mgguys = [_hqdef400, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "LOP_AM_OPF" >> "Infantry" >> "LOP_AM_OPF_Fireteam")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
((units _mgguys) select 0) moveInGunner gun1;
((units _mgguys) select 1) moveInGunner gun2;
((units _mgguys) select 2) moveInGunner gun3;
((units _mgguys) select 3) moveInGunner gun4;
_mgguys enableDynamicSimulation true;

This code will spawn an ammo dump that players can find. A nice addition to any mission.

Spawning an ammo dump for my mission.
dump = [
	["Land_Fort_Watchtower_EP1",[-4.29102,1.52875,0.015089],90,1,0,[-1.14586,-5.00938e-008],"TowerAM","this enablesimulation false; this allowdamage false",true,false], 
	["Land_Cargo_Patrol_V2_F",[4.96484,-2.63208,0],0,1,0,[0,0],"","this enablesimulation false; this allowdamage false",true,false], 
	["Land_HBarrier_5_F",[-3.19141,5.40582,-0.0446529],177.693,1,0,[-0.0461225,-1.14493],"","this enablesimulation false; this allowdamage false",true,false], 
	["Land_HBarrier_5_F",[7.8457,5.91754,-0.0446491],177.693,1,0,[-0.0461225,-1.14493],"","this enablesimulation false; this allowdamage false",true,false], 
	["Land_HBarrier_5_F",[4.54688,-5.48285,0.0450687],357.499,1,0,[0.050009,1.14477],"","this enablesimulation false; this allowdamage false",true,false], 
	["Land_HBarrier_5_F",[8.97266,-3.86713,0.00117302],271.404,1,0,[1.14552,0.0280716],"","this enablesimulation false; this allowdamage false",true,false], 
	["Land_HBarrier_5_F",[-9.51563,-6.01923,0.0450687],357.499,1,0,[0.050009,1.14477],"","this enablesimulation false; this allowdamage false",true,false], 
	["Land_HBarrier_5_F",[-9.35938,-4.67847,0.00117302],271.404,1,0,[1.14552,0.0280716],"","this enablesimulation false; this allowdamage false",true,false], 
	["Land_HBarrier_5_F",[-9.16211,0.92981,0.00117302],271.404,1,0,[1.14552,0.0280716],"","this enablesimulation false; this allowdamage false",true,false], 
	["Land_HBarrier_5_F",[9.16992,1.74115,0.00117302],271.404,1,0,[1.14552,0.0280716],"","this enablesimulation false; this allowdamage false",true,false]
_mrk = "aoCircle";
_area = markerSize _mrk;
_nul = _area pushBack markerDir _mrk;
_nul = _area pushBack ( markerShape _mrk isEqualTo "Ellipse" );
_pos = [ _mrk, _area ] call BIS_fnc_randomPosTrigger;
_randPos123 = [_pos, 15, 30, 10, 0, 0.5, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
sleep 1;
[_randPos123, 59.016, dump ] call BIS_fnc_objectsMapper;
"Sector2" setMarkerPos _randPos123;
"Sector2" setMarkerText "Ammo Dump.";
sleep 3;
_garrisonAmmo = [_randPos123,100] call KER_fnc_garrisonEAST;

How to add an option to the player`s ACE3 interaction menu to enable them to get help with ace features, or to run any other code.

// Adding an action to Ace3 to get help with ace features.
myaction = ['Help dialog','Mission Help','',{null = [] spawn KER_fnc_help;},{true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction;
[player, 1, ["ACE_SelfActions"], myaction] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject;

This is one very useful scripting sample, this would allow a player to run code that shows a help dialog, or anything you wish.

Put this code into the initServer.sqf file to make AAF forces enemies of BLUFOR.

Resistance setFriend [East, 1];
East setFriend [Resistance, 1];

Spawn some trees as simple objects in your mission.

//spawn coral in the editor.
_posnew14 = [11527.8,17800.4,0];
_sol15 = createSimpleObject ["a3\plants_f\Bush\bw_SetBig_Brains_F.p3d", _posnew14]; 
_sol15 setPos [_posnew14 select 0, _posnew14 select 1, 0.7];
// Spawn a tree.
_pos2 = [11642.7,17828.9,0]; 	//define a position, close to player
_tree2 = createSimpleObject ["a3\plants_f\Tree\t_BroussonetiaP1s_F.p3d", _pos2];
_tree2 setPos [_pos2 select 0, _pos2 select 1,7];	//trees spawn below ground, so we move it up by 8 m
// Spawn a tree.
_pos3 = [11638.9,17782.6,-3.05176e-005]; 	//define a position, close to player
_tree2 = createSimpleObject ["a3\plants_f\Tree\t_FraxinusAV2s_F.p3d", _pos3];
_tree2 setPos [_pos3 select 0, _pos3 select 1,7];	//trees spawn below ground, so we move it up by 8 m
_pos = [12168.7,17343.1,0]; 	//define a position, close to player
_tree = createSimpleObject ["a3\plants_f\Tree\t_QuercusIR2s_F.p3d", _pos]; 
_tree setPos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1,19];	//trees spawn below ground, so we move it up by 8 m

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