Posted: 20 September 2018. At: 9:24 AM. This was 6 years ago. Post ID: 12464
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Return the length of a string easily in C.

This simple code will return the length of a string easily.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main (void) {
	char base64[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
	int len_str; 
	// calculates length of string 
	len_str = sizeof(base64) / sizeof(base64[0]);
	printf("%d\n", len_str);
	return 0;

This could be a very useful tip for a programmer.

Do something if the program is run with the 5 parameter, e.g ./myprog 5.

	if (argc > 1 and strncmp(argv[1], "3", BUF) == 0) {
		printf("\t\tCdrom drive information.\n");
//		kernel("/proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info", 5);
		strncpy(Args, "/proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info", 24);
		sprintf(buf, "cat %s\n", Args);

A good way to check if the program was run with no parameters is this.

	char* myarg1 = argv[1];
	static char Args[256];
	char buf[256];
	if (!argc or !myarg1) {

And the print_menu function.

enum { VERSION = 160 };
#define SYSINFO "Sysinfo version v%i.%i"
const char *p = "System Information Program";
char ver[128];
void print_menu()
	printf("\tSysinfo. %s\n\n", p);
	printf("1 - Kernel Information.\n2 - Memory & processes.\n");
	printf("3 - CDROM Information.\n4 - View list of sound cards.\n");
	printf("5 - View Real Time Clock Information.\n");
	printf("6 - View motherboard and BIOS information.\n");
	printf("7 - View information about your Xorg display.\n");
	printf("8 - View information about your IP addresses.\n");
	sprintf (ver, SYSINFO, VERSION / 100, VERSION % 100);
	printf("\n%s, by John Cartwright 2007.\nsysinfo comes with ", ver);
	printf("ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This\n is open source software,");
	printf("and you are welcome to \nredistribute it under certain ");
	printf("conditions as \noutlined in the GNU Public License.\n\n");

That is a great way to print a menu for your program when no parameters are issued to it.

This is a nice bit of code. It returns your screen resolution in C.

		printf("\t\tXorg information.\n");
		Display *display;
		Screen *screen;
		display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
		int count_screens = ScreenCount(display);
		printf("Total count screens: %d\n", count_screens);
		for (int i = 0; i < count_screens; ++i) {
			screen = ScreenOfDisplay(display, i);
			printf("\tScreen %d: %dX%d\n", i + 1, screen->width, screen->height);

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