Posted: 12 March 2018. At: 8:15 PM. This was 6 years ago. Post ID: 11915
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Code for Arma 3 to spawn you in a random jet with infinite ammo and refilling fuel.

This code will spawn you in a jet flying over the AO, this will pick a random jet and spawn you a long way up, so you will not crash before orienting yourself. Put this script in initPlayerLocal.sqf.

        private "_jet";
        _jet = createVehicle [selectRandom ["O_Plane_Fighter_02_Stealth_F", "I_Plane_Fighter_04_F", "B_Plane_Fighter_01_Stealth_F", "O_Plane_CAS_02_dynamicLoadout_F"], getArray (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "centerPosition"), [], random 18000, "FLY"];
        _jet setPos [getPos _jet select 0,getPos _jet select 1,6500];
        _jet setVelocity [(vectorDir _jet select 0)*100,(vectorDir _jet select 1)*100,(vectorDir _jet select 2)*100];
		_jet addeventhandler ["fired", {(_this select 0) setvehicleammo 1}];
		nul = this spawn { waitUntil { if !(alive _jet) exitWith {}; if (fuel _jet < 0.25) then { _this setFuel 1 }; sleep 6; false } };
        player moveInDriver _jet;

The script will work on any map, it will read the center position and then spawn you in a random location 6500 meters up.

Simple Arsenal script. Place a box named crat99, then put this code in initPlayerLocal.sqf.

BIS_holdActionSFX = (getArray (configFile >> "CfgSounds" >> "Orange_Action_Wheel" >> "sound")) param [0, ""];
BIS_holdActionSFX = BIS_holdActionSFX + ".wss";
BIS_holdActionProgress = 
	private _progressTick = _this select 4; 
	if ((_progressTick % 2) == 0) exitwith {}; 
	private _coef = _progressTick / 24; 
	playSound3D [BIS_holdActionSFX, player, false, getPosASL player, 1, 0.9 + 0.2 * _coef];
[crat99, "Open the Arsenal", "\A3\Ui_f\data\Logos\a_64_ca.paa", "\A3\Ui_f\data\Logos\a_64_ca.paa", "(_this distance _target < 6) && (isNull (findDisplay 162))", "isNull (findDisplay 162)", {}, BIS_holdActionProgress, {["Open",true] call BIS_fnc_arsenal;}, {}, [], 0.5, nil, false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd;

Play random music, then greet the player. Put this code in initPlayerLocal.sqf.

0 fademusic 0.4;
//--- Play random music
_track = ["AmbientTrack01a_F_Tacops","AmbientTrack01b_F_Tacops","AmbientTrack02a_F_Tacops","AmbientTrack02b_F_Tacops","AmbientTrack03a_F_Tacops","AmbientTrack03b_F_Tacops","AmbientTrack04a_F_Tacops","AmbientTrack04b_F_Tacops","EventTrack01a_F_Tacops","Wasteland","Fallout","Defcon","MAD","SkyNet","Track08_Night_ambient","Track07_ActionDark","EventTrack01_F_Orange"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
addmusiceventhandler [
	"MusicStop", {
		[str(worldName) , str(date select 1) + "." + str(date select 2) + "." + str(date select 0), str(groupId (group player))] spawn BIS_fnc_infoText;
		[WEST,"HQ"] sideChat format ["Hello %1, welcome to the server. You are in group: %2. You are playing: %3.", name player, str(groupId (group player)),str productVersion];

Use these code snippets and then make a very good mission for yourself. These will really help with mission presentation.

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