Posted: 25 January 2018. At: 12:27 PM. This was 6 years ago. Post ID: 11783
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How to setup proper directory indexing in Apache.

To get proper directory indexing set up in a directory in your Apache webserver configuration, firstly, create a .htaccess file and paste the code below into it.

Options +Indexes
HeaderName HEADER.html
ReadmeName FOOTER.html
IndexIgnore .htaccess .??* *~ *# HEADER* FOOTER* README* RCS CVS *,v *,t *.inc

Then create a HEADER.HTML with this in it.

<title>Misc Files.</title>
<h1>Misc files for download</h1>

And a FOOTER.html with this in it.


This is how the directory can use fancy file listings.

This is what I got when I implemented this on my website.

This makes your directory indexing look great and this is far better looking than the default style of the file listing. This is a nice example of the style of directory listing you can get with this setup. This looks great and makes the listing very customizable with HTML and CSS.

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