Posted: 7 June 2017. At: 2:06 PM. This was 7 years ago. Post ID: 10814
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How to install a Linux version of the SGI UNIX desktop on Fedora 25.

I just installed the Linux version of the SGI desktop on my Fedora 25 Linux machine. This was not too hard either.

SGI UNIX desktop running on Linux.
SGI UNIX desktop running on Linux.

Download a copy of the installation script from here:

Run the script as root to download and install the MaXX desktop tarball.

[root@localhost Downloads]# sh
>>> Downloading MaXX Interactive Desktop - Release Indy-1.0.0 - NO-ARCH files...
--2017-06-07 13:24:22--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 44211255 (42M) [application/x-gzip]
Saving to: ‘MaXX-Indy-1.0.0-NO-ARCH.tar.gz’
MaXX-Indy-1.0.0-NO-ARCH.tar.gz           100%[===============================================================================>]  42.16M   123KB/s    in 4m 58s  
2017-06-07 13:29:21 (145 KB/s) - ‘MaXX-Indy-1.0.0-NO-ARCH.tar.gz’ saved [44211255/44211255]
>>> Extracting MaXX Interactive Desktop - Release Indy-1.0.0 - NO-ARCH files...
>>> Downloading MaXX Interactive Desktop - Release Indy-1.0.0 - Binaries files...
--2017-06-07 13:29:22--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 15968136 (15M) [application/x-gzip]
Saving to: ‘MaXX-Indy-1.0.0-x86_64.tar.gz’
MaXX-Indy-1.0.0-x86_64.tar.gz            100%[===============================================================================>]  15.23M   129KB/s    in 93s     
2017-06-07 13:30:55 (169 KB/s) - ‘MaXX-Indy-1.0.0-x86_64.tar.gz’ saved [15968136/15968136]
>>> Extracting MaXX Interactive Desktop - Release Indy-1.0.0 - x86_64 files...
>>> Setting MaXX Interactive Desktop - Release Indy-1.0.0 - SGI XCursors and IRIX icons
>>> Setting MaXX Interactive Desktop - Release Indy-1.0.0 - GTK Themes
>>> Adding MaXX Interactive Desktop - Release Indy-1.0.0 - to GDM's XSession menu
>> MaXX Interactive Desktop - Release Indy-1.0.0 - was installed successfuly!

Then the desktop environment will be installed, then you need to setup the PATH and the library locations.

Edit the /etc/ file and add the MaXX desktop library location to it.

localhost% cat /etc/

Then add the PATH to the /root/.bash_profile file.

[root@localhost ~]# cat .bash_profile 
# .bash_profile
# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
	. ~/.bashrc
# User specific environment and startup programs
export PATH

Then the GDM login manager needs to be restarted so it will detect the MaXX desktop files. Systemd can be used for this task. Then the MaXX Desktop option should be in your desktop options. Just login and the desktop will appear. This is awesome.

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