Posted: 11 December 2016. At: 9:25 PM. This was 8 years ago. Post ID: 10076
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Just installed Fedora 25 to replace Ubuntu.

My hard drive with Ubuntu 16.10 failed, so I decided to install Fedora 25 instead. This Linux distribution has the advantage of NSA Selinux that greatly improves security. And the Gnome desktop is very fast and good looking to boot. Adding the RPMFusion repositories to Fedora allows the installation of restricted codecs and associated software such as mpv and audacious. Way better than Windows 10. that has had WIFI failures associated with a recent update. That is really bad. Fedora installs updates easily with the dnf update command and there are no problems. The mpv movie player works perfectly on Fedora Core 25. Even my Turtle Beach PLA headset works out of the box. I just had to tell Fedora to select it as the default playback device. But Linux in general works so well on modern hardware, there is not the need to download and install drivers, it will just load a kernel module. I am using a Gnome desktop with an Nvidia card and I did not have to install the Nvidia drivers. it just worked. With the Fedora Live DVD and the freshly installed distribution. We have come a long way since the first Gnome 1.0 desktop and now we have automatic setup of device drivers and everything just works.

That is a good future for open source software. Install the RPMFusion repository by running this command.

su -c 'dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm'

Then run dnf and update the package repositories.

# dnf update

Then the installation of software may proceed.

# dnf install mpv mplayer audacious audacious-plugins

This is how easy it is to setup restricted software on Fedora 25. To list all gstreamer packages, run a command like this.

# dnf list gstreamer*

Here I am listing all mplayer packages.

# dnf list mplayer*
Last metadata expiration check: 1:12:09 ago on Sun Dec 11 20:09:30 2016.
Installed Packages
mplayer.x86_64                                                   1.3.0-4.fc25                                             @rpmfusion-free
mplayer-common.x86_64                                            1.3.0-4.fc25                                             @rpmfusion-free
Available Packages
mplayer-doc.x86_64                                               1.3.0-4.fc25                                             rpmfusion-free 
mplayer-gui.x86_64                                               1.3.0-4.fc25                                             rpmfusion-free 
mplayer-tools.x86_64                                             1.3.0-4.fc25                                             rpmfusion-free

This way, we can easily see what is available for Fedora.

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