Preview of the Ubuntu Touch Linux distribution for mobile phones.

This is a preview of the Ubuntu Touch distribution running on a Nexus mobile phone. This Linux distribution offers a mobile operating system that has a lovely theme and integration with all of the functions of your mobile device. Ubuntu will be a universal desktop operating system if it can be installed on mobile devices … Read more

How to set the timestamp on a file to a time in the past using Linux and bash.

This command will set the timestamp of a file in Linux to be in the past. I am not sure what use this is, but it shows what you can do with the Linux command line. john@adeptus-mechanicus ~/Documents $ touch -t 200510071138 root.jpeg john@adeptus-mechanicus ~/Documents $ ls root.jpeg -rw-r–r– 1 john john 385K 07-10-05 11:38 … Read more

Computer interface used in the Avengers movie and thoughts on the touch interface. Some information here about the user interfaces used in the Avengers movie. These touch screen interfaces were used a lot in the movie. The touch screen computer model is all the rage at the moment even if it is not that useful when using a computer for a long period. Especially when using a … Read more

Customising Linux and Computing history.

The Linux distributions that are in common use all over the world have many advantages over the closed source operating systems such as Windows and Macintosh operating systems, the freedom to customize the distribution and create your own version of the distribution is the key strength of Linux. The Ubuntu distribution includes a tool named … Read more