How to disable the su to root in Linux using PAM.

The default Linux behavior allows the user to gain root access by typing su and entering the root password to gain a root prompt. If you wish to disable this behavior, then open this file as root for editing. jason@jason-Virtual-Machine:~$ vim /etc/pam.d/sujason@jason-Virtual-Machine:~$ vim /etc/pam.d/su Then un-comment this line. auth required pam_wheel.soauth required And then … Read more

Macintosh OSX Sierra vulnerable to a moronic security bug.

The Macintosh Sierra operating system from Apple is vulnerable to a moronic security vulnerability. The user only needs to open a username/password prompt that requires elevation to perform a task and then enter the username ‘root’ and leave the password field blank. Then just click unlock twice, and the user will be granted root access … Read more

Another way to gain root permissions on a Debian Linux installation.

This is another way to gain root permissions on a Debian system; this is a script that will elevate the user to root for a specific command; like using the sudo command. su-to-root -X -c "cat /etc/shadow"su-to-root -X -c "cat /etc/shadow" This is what you get if you try this without root permissions. [flynn@flynn-grid-runner ~]$ … Read more