Parrot pentesting distribution. The best way to test out your home network.

The Parrot pentesting Linux distribution is the best way to test the security of your home or work network. In skilled hands, tools such as Metasloit can generate a payload to send to an unsuspecting target and attempt to gain control of their machine. Wifite and Aircrack-ng can be used to attack a wireless network … Read more

How to crack a wireless WPA2 network with aircrack on Parrot or Kali Linux.

To start a Wireless interface in monitor mode, use this command. This will create a new interface that we may use to attempt to crack a wireless WPA2 network. ┌─[root@parrot]─[/home/user] └──╼ #airmon-ng start wlan1   Found 2 processes that could cause trouble. If airodump-ng, aireplay-ng or airtun-ng stops working after a short period of time, … Read more