Some very important Linux tips for new and advanced users.

Some obscure Linux tips for the advanced Linux userDownload a new kernel for your Ubuntu Linux machine Some obscure Linux tips for the advanced Linux user The magic SysRQ key combination is used to reset the Linux system if nothing else will work. To use this key combination, press: Alt+SysRQ then tap these keys in … Read more

Some more obscure Linux commands that are very useful.

The logsave command will print the output of a command to a file. This will also add a timestamp to the logfile telling the system administrator when the command was run. logsave /var/log/partsize df –hlogsave /var/log/partsize df –h This is an example, the output of the command is also printed to STDOUT. jason@ubuntu:~$ logsave partsize … Read more

Some very useful Linux command-line tips and tricks for the desktop user.

Using the install-mbr command to install a main boot record (MBR) onto a disk. [flynn@flynn-grid-runner media]$ sudo install-mbr –force –partition 1 /dev/sdi [sudo] password for flynn: [flynn@flynn-grid-runner media]$[flynn@flynn-grid-runner media]$ sudo install-mbr –force –partition 1 /dev/sdi [sudo] password for flynn: [flynn@flynn-grid-runner media]$ This command would be useful if you are building a custom image and you … Read more

Getting information about an ISO image and many obscure Linux commands.

This command shows the filesize of an ISO image. -21:19:07– flynn@flynn-grid-runner [/media/Elements/Files/ISOs]$ isosize -d 1024 en_windows_7_ultimate_x64_dvd_x15-65922.iso 3149108-21:19:07– flynn@flynn-grid-runner [/media/Elements/Files/ISOs]$ isosize -d 1024 en_windows_7_ultimate_x64_dvd_x15-65922.iso 3149108 This may also be achieved with the ls command. -21:19:06– flynn@flynn-grid-runner [/media/Elements/Files/ISOs]$ ls -Hula en_windows_7_ultimate_x64_dvd_x15-65922.iso -rw——- 1 flynn flynn 3.1G 17-03-12 10:48 pm en_windows_7_ultimate_x64_dvd_x15-65922.iso-21:19:06– flynn@flynn-grid-runner [/media/Elements/Files/ISOs]$ ls -Hula en_windows_7_ultimate_x64_dvd_x15-65922.iso -rw——- 1 … Read more

Some obscure but very useful Linux commands for any user.

Linux xgc program. A simple utility to test various options to create X Graphics Primitives.

To view the contents of an ISO  image, the isoinfo command for Linux will come in very useful indeed. Just type isoinfo -f -i myiso.iso to view the contents of the ISO image as shown in this example. C:\MEDIA\ELEMENTS\FILES\ISOS> isoinfo -f -i linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-64bit.iso /BOOT /CASPER /EFI /ISOLINUX /MD5SUM.TXT;1 /PRESEED /_DISK /BOOT/GRUB /CASPER/FILESYSTEM.MANIFEST;1 /CASPER/FILESYSTEM.MANIFEST_DESKTOP;1 /CASPER/FILESYSTEM.SIZE;1 /CASPER/FILESYSTEM.SQUASHFS;1 … Read more