Using the sysctl command on Linux to return hardware information. And some other related commands.

The sysctl command on Linux may be used to return information about your installed hardware; as well as virtual memory information. Below is an example looking at virtual memory information. zsh 7 % sysctl -a | grep vm sysctl: permission denied on key ‘kernel.cad_pid’ sysctl: permission denied on key ‘kernel.usermodehelper.bset’ sysctl: permission denied on key … Read more

Some useful information about Windows 3.0.

Managing Memory in Windows 3.0. Nostalgia Piece. Flashback to 1991. Although it is already a year old by now, Windows 3.0 is still a bit mystifying. it has tremendous power, but its plethora of options and configuration commands makes most people wonder if they are getting all they can get from it. This section discusses … Read more

How to get information about a video file with the Linux command line easily.

Getting information about a video file on Linux with the command line is very easy. I will show how you can easily find the resolution of a video and the format. This example below will return the resolution of a video file. jason@jason-desktop:~/Videos$ ffprobe XR_3DA_2019_03_16_19_22_35_777.avi 2>&1 | grep -E ‘[[:digit:]]{3,}x[[:digit:]]{3,}’ | awk ‘{print $11}’ 1920x1080jason@jason-desktop:~/Videos$ … Read more

Using symbolic links on a Linux system and other useful Linux commands for the user.

What is the difference between a hard link and a symbolic link? The output below shows the process of creating firstly a hard link and then a symbolic link. The hard link appears exactly the same as the original file; but the symbolic link displays as a link from the symlink to the original file. … Read more

Linux security considerations to lock down a shared server.

SSH keysVirtual Private NetworkUse sudo instead of suVulnerability updatesLogin failure delayIptablesPasswords Securing a Linux server is very important. There are many attacks against UNIX servers and the security of corporate networks must be protected by many layered security devices and comprehensive security plans to deal with any problems experienced by network administrators due to a … Read more

My system information program I coded for Linux a while ago. This works very well. This is my system information program I coded for Linux. This gives a bit of information about your Linux system. Just check out the source and type make to compile. Here is some sample output. 13:21:02 ~/Downloads/sysinfo.kdevelop-1.0 homer@neo $ ./sysinfo 1 –System name – Linux –Nodename – neo.deusexmachina –Release – 3.9.5-301.fc19.x86_64 –Version – #1 … Read more

Print useful Ubuntu news in your terminal easily.

This useful news is printed when a user opens the TTY console on Ubuntu and logs in. The news is from /var/cache/motd-news. But if a user puts this command in their .bashrc, the news will appear. cat /var/cache/motd-newscat /var/cache/motd-news The /var/run/motd.dynamic file contains the rest of the information printed to the TTY screen upon login. … Read more

get comprehensive information about a hard disk with the Linux command line.

Getting a lot of useful information about a hard disk drive is easy with Linux. The smartmontools package contains utilities to retrieve a lot of very useful info. Firstly, install this package. jason@Yog-Sothoth:~$ sudo apt install smartmontoolsjason@Yog-Sothoth:~$ sudo apt install smartmontools Then run the command with sudo to get info about a drive. jason@Yog-Sothoth:~$ sudo … Read more

How to get information about a window on your Linux desktop.

Getting detailed information about a window on your Linux desktop is very easy. The Xwininfo command is very useful for getting this information. Run the command and then click a window to get detailed information about a window. jason@jason-desktop:~$ xwininfojason@jason-desktop:~$ xwininfo Absolute upper-left X: 498 Absolute upper-left Y: 47 Relative upper-left X: 4 Relative upper-left … Read more

How to get information about a video file with the Linux command line.

The Linux command line may be used to get information about a video file easily. Here is an example. Getting the video resolution with a simple command. jason@jason-desktop:~/Videos$ ffprobe -v quiet -print_format json -show_format -show_streams burnout-in-a-town-street.mp4 | grep coded "coded_width": 400, "coded_height": 224,jason@jason-desktop:~/Videos$ ffprobe -v quiet -print_format json -show_format -show_streams burnout-in-a-town-street.mp4 | grep coded "coded_width": … Read more

Getting the clock speed of your machine using the dmidecode command.

Getting the clock speed of your machine using the dmidecode command for Linux This command-line example shows that we are using the dmidecode command to get the current clock speed for our machine. This also shows some creative use of the sed command to parse the output and change the “Current Speed” text string to … Read more

How to get exif information out of a photo with a simple utility.

Get exif information from your photos easily on Linux. The exif command for Linux allows a user to get exif information from a camera image. This example below shows the sample output from this interesting utility. Very good to manage the exif data in your photos. ─[user@parrot]─[~/Desktop] └──╼ $exif waterfall.jpg EXIF tags in ‘waterfall.jpg’ (’Intel’ … Read more

Gaining information about your Linux system using the Linux command line.

Gaining information about a Linux system is very easy, there are quite a few Linux commands that can print detailed specs of your hardware configuration. The lsblk command prints information about your block devices. This can be used to list all disk partitions and CD/DVD drives. ┌─[jason@neo]─[~] └──╼ $lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE … Read more

Useful Linux commands for querying your computer for hardware information.

The iostatcommand is another good way to get information about the hardware in your computer. This command displays information about the average CPU usage as well as reads and writes to your hard disk partitions. To install this utility, run this command. ubuntu ~ $ sudo apt-get install sysstatubuntu ~ $ sudo apt-get install sysstat … Read more

Get system information easily with screenfetch on Linux.

To easily get system information, install screenfetch on Linux and this will be easy. Install screenfetch. sudo apt install screenfetchsudo apt install screenfetch Then run it to get system information easily. This is a good way to show off your system specifications. jason$ screenfetch [[ ! ]] Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "topmenu-gtk-module" ./+o+- jason@jason-desktop … Read more

A few ways to list disk information in Linux Mint.

There are a few ways in Linux Mint to view disk information. The Disks utility found at Preferences->Hardware-Disks allows the viewing of hard disk information. This displays all of the partitions and their types on a selected physical disk. There are options for unmounting partitions, deleting a partition and even more options such as formatting … Read more