Cracking a pin number hash with hashcat on Debian Linux.

I recently needed to crack a pin number hash that was four digits and used the numbers 2490. This sounds easy, but hard until you realise that it is a relatively simple PIN. I used the command below to generate a 60 Gigabyte wordlist, containing all possible combinations of the numbers in the PIN. crunch … Read more

How to crack a SHA512 Linux password hash with oclHashcat on Linux.

Cracking a SHA512 Debian password hash with oclhashcat on Debian 8.0. I am using a Radeon HD6670 card and I created a user with the crappy password of “password”. Then I downloaded oclHashcat 1.37 and used this to crack the password using the GPU. This is the password hash in the /etc/shadow file. fred:$6$5l70Gupv$xBTxhCSexudn5jJ9hampIfTK0KIR3nqK1K1Rxye.OA5obtKArO7jgftjJtVSdp31MPxItEPmOuWhbgBvp0wqn.:16737:0:99999:7:::fred:$6$5l70Gupv$xBTxhCSexudn5jJ9hampIfTK0KIR3nqK1K1Rxye.OA5obtKArO7jgftjJtVSdp31MPxItEPmOuWhbgBvp0wqn.:16737:0:99999:7::: The … Read more