500 million LinkedIn users’ data is for sale on a hacker site

The account data of 500 million users of the social networking website LinkedIn is for sale on a hacker`s website. This goes to show that you cannot trust any website with your details if they have poor OPSEC. You are better off networking by meeting with others at trade shows and exhibitions. There you may … Read more

Elysium film showing real UNIX commands in a blockbuster movie.

The movie Elysium showcased some awesome UNIX shell commands. The rhost command was one, there is a more detailed show here: http://i.imgur.com/niqfmy5.png. The nmap port scanning utility is used to port scan Matt Damon`s brain before the data is copied from his neural storage to the Elysium computer system. I cannot see the full command; … Read more

Malcom Turnbull and his failure on the NBN.

Hack Tuesday April 9 2013: http://mpegmedia.abc.net.au/triplej/hack/daily/hack_tue_2013_4_9.mp3. Listen to this recording of the ABC TripleJ radio show Hack and hear what Malcom Turnbull is planning if the Liberals get into power in 2013. A broadband network using copper wires instead of the Labour proposed fibre to the node that would use a network capable of 100 … Read more