Adding your user to the sudoers file on Debian.

If you want to be able to use the sudo command in Debian to do superuser tasks as your normal user, then you need to edit the /etc/sudoers file to be able to perform administrator tasks as a normal user with sudo. Add the user lovecraft to the sudoers file like this. lovecraft ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALLlovecraft … Read more

Create a new group on Linux and add a new user to it easily.

To add a new group to a Linux system, enter this command as root. root@neo:/home/jason# groupadd deptroot@neo:/home/jason# groupadd dept Then, create our new user with this command. root@neo:/home/jason# useradd -m -g dept -d /home/user -s /bin/bash userroot@neo:/home/jason# useradd -m -g dept -d /home/user -s /bin/bash user Now our user is a member of the dept … Read more

How to create a shared folder for a group of users on Debian Linux.

How to create a shared folder on a Linux machine that a group of users may access. This is very useful for a shared folder that many users may place files. Firstly; you need to create a folder in the /opt directory. root@neo:/opt# mkdir sharedfilesroot@neo:/opt# mkdir sharedfiles Then you need to set the proper permissions … Read more