First Hypertext page ever created resurrected in 2013! This is the first Hypertext page ever created; the page that was the first to use hyperlinks and gave us a connected and more informed future. This is a page using some very old HTML 1.0 code with<DD> tags that I have not seen for a very long time. They seem to have gone … Read more

I have just installed the Linux Mint 14 distribution and it is very good indeed. A perfect desktop OS.

I have just installed the Linux Mint 14 distribution to replace the execrable Ubuntu distribution that is not the best solution when you want to experiment with dual monitors and other things that do not work at all on Ubuntu. Mint 14 comes with Me TV 1.3.7 available in the repositories. This works better than … Read more

When will ignorance end? Is this the future of the world with our education system?

This person really believes that the Commodore 64 is the oldest computer that ever existed and does not know about the Collossus; and the ENIAC. They had workable computers in the 1950`s; these were able to perform quite useful calculations. The computer that was placed in the Voyager 1 probe in the 1970s used magnetic … Read more

Neil Armstrong passes away at the age of 82. He will be missed.

Neil Armstrong; famous for his involvement in the Moon landing in 1969 has passed away at the age of 82. His part in the Apollo 11 Moon landing will never be forgotten, this was an amazing step forward for mankind and launched the Homeland forward into the space race as well as changing the world … Read more

A look at the Windows 8 desktop, the Windows 8 interface is still present in this operating system.

This is a look at the Windows 8 RTM desktop. The Windows 8 Interface is still here, they would not remove that would they? But this is just a tablet interface on a desktop machine, at least with Gnome Shell and Unity the interface makes some sense, but the Windows 8 tablets require a Windows … Read more