Russian cybercafe webcam, and how to find more webcams online.

To find cool webcams with the Google search engine, use this Google search term. inurl" /view/index.shtmlinurl" /view/index.shtml This is an example I found, this is a Russian cybercafe. Russian cybercafe. This is another search term. intext:”MOBOTIX M10″ intext:”Open Menu”intext:”MOBOTIX M10″ intext:”Open Menu” This is one cam I found with it. A view over some … Read more

More MySQL tips. Listing databases and viewing the MySQL version.

How to list tables in a MySQL database. mysql> show tables in acme; +—————-+ | Tables_in_acme | +—————-+ | address | | customer | | discount | | order_header | | order_line | | order_shipment | | payment_terms | | phone | | product | | reseller | | salesman | | shipment | | … Read more