Posted: 26 June 2024. At: 8:51 AM. This was 3 days ago. Post ID: 19872
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Stalker Legends of the Zone trilogy for Xbox and PlayStation now allows modding.

The Stalker Legends of the Zone trilogy for Xbox and PlayStation now allows modding. Now there are nice mods popping up for the legendary Stalker trilogy on console. There is a mod to enable Stalker build 1935 hands, textures and weapons, but does this include the weird-looking FN F-2000 rifle with the strange-looking scope? I hope so. I really like the look of the early Stalker builds. Stalker in 2002 had a very nice aesthetic and replicating this on a modern Stalker build is what modding is for. There are only a couple of mods for Shadow of Chernobyl at the moment, but this will change as time goes on. There is a modding guide and a modding FAQ to help modders get started with creating something amazing for the console players. Would it be possible to run Misery on PS5 or Xbox? I think yes. Adding the early-build zombies would be a good start. The zombies wearing the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone overalls were great to see. Stalker Shadow of Chornobyl had an over-under double barrel shotgun that no one carries and no one sells, but it is fully functional. Someone needs to fix that.

Stalker build 1114 zombies in the Mediprobor map.
Stalker build 1114 zombies in the Mediprobor map.

Apparently editing the game scripts under gamedata/scripts is not possible, but this is only a matter of time. Surely there is a way to extract all the game files and add edited scripts to gamedata and make a more involved mod. Reverse engineers are capable of anything these days. The game needs more early build textures and sounds as well, if adding sounds becomes possible. Or at least replacing existing sounds. That would add to the atmosphere. PC Stalker players have countless mods to enjoy, and it is about time console players had some Stalker mods as well to enjoy. If it was possible to port Stalker New Arsenal 7 to the consoles, this would be tons of fun to play. That mod has many weapons and mutants to battle. But seeing the beginning of Stalker modding all over again is a good thing. I am sure despite the limitations of the game, amazing mods will be created.

The types of files that can be modified:
● Animations
● Textures
● Models
● Videos
● Sounds
● Shaders (only on PC)

Adding scripts is not allowed, I guess if the scripts were abused, they could spam loud sounds and ruin the game. This is fine. Models and textures may be added, so adding the build weapons and textures of course will work. So in conclusion, Stalker needs the build 1114 zombies badly.

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