Using the UNIX ed editor. The simplest line editor for writing text files.

The ed(1) line editor is a very useful editor for text files on Linux and it is very simple to use. type ed to start it then to add text to an existing text file, type e my.txt. Then a to append text onto the text file. [13:20:35-*-homer@hungry-forest Desktop]$ ed e my.txt 1449 a[13:20:35-*-homer@hungry-forest Desktop]$ … Read more

My nice .vimrc file.

This is a very good .vimrc file for any VIM user. Line numbering and indenting is enabled and it makes the VIM editor much more usable for any level of Linux user and programmer. " ~/.vimrc (configuration file for vim only) " skeletons function! SKEL_spec() 0r /usr/share/vim/current/skeletons/skeleton.spec language time en_US if $USER != ” let … Read more

Copying an Ubuntu kernel to a Gentoo installation

I have had someone come to my website looking for help on how to copy an Ubuntu kernel over to a Gentoo installation. This is not too hard to do. Let us say the kernel is version 2.6.35-14-generic. Then you will need to copy the /lib/modules/2.6.35-14-generic folder into the /lib/modules folder on your Gentoo installation. … Read more

The Best KDE 4.8.0 themes to improve your Ubuntu 12.04 desktop.

My current KDE Plasma theme Arezzo. And my current Kwin KDE 4.8.0 theme. These two themes are easily installed with the Workspace Appearance option in the System Settings panel. These are very stylish themes for the KDE desktop, this is the advantage of running KDE vs Unity. HUD or no HUD, it is … Read more

How to speed up the KDE 4.8.0 desktop.

I have installed the KDE 4.8.0 desktop on Ubuntu 12.04 and this KDE release is the fastest yet, everything works very well, adding new themes, splash screens and window decorations works perfectly. Many people hate what Canonical are doing with the Unity desktop and the KDE desktop is a nice alternative to the increasingly strange … Read more

Newt Gingritch promises moon base by 2020.

Newt Gingritch has promised a moon base for America by the year 2020. This is a bold promise by an American congressman with the country sinking into debt paying the trillion dollar cost of the Iraq war. The Republican presidential candidate has made the grandiose boast at a meeting with the public near Cape Canaveral, … Read more

Serious Google Chrome security flaws fixed. Google have repaired a number of flaws in the Google Chrome web browser, including a serious security flaw. But I would rather use the open source Chromium browser instead of the Chrome alternative, considering the security flaws that have been uncovered. I have written about this issue in the past, and I am not … Read more

Optimising your website for Google Adsense.

The Google Adsense advertising network is a very nice way to earn income from your website and also a good way to advertise your business online. As a publisher adding Google Adsense advertisements on your website to earn revenue from your website traffic and from the website visitors that click your ads. As shown in … Read more

Filesonic file-sharing service forced to stop sharing.

“In the wake of the Megaupload takedown, Filesonic has elected to take preventative measures against a similar fate. The front page and all files now carry the following message: ‘All sharing functionality on FileSonic is now disabled. Our service can only be used to upload and retrieve files that you have uploaded personally.’ Whether or … Read more