Posted: 18 June 2024. At: 2:46 PM. This was 1 week ago. Post ID: 19758
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Arma Reforger is still a laggy mess 25 months after release.

Arma Reforger is still a laggy embarrassing mess even 25 months after the release of the game. Contrast it with Battlefield multiplayer with Stuka planes flying around and smooth MP net code, and the performance of Arma Reforger is not good at all. The server performance and framerate is terrible when there is a lot of smoke grenades going off. This is not good for a supposedly AAA game. Other games like Hell Let Loose might run far better with a lot of players. The Enfusion engine needs a lot of work to put it lightly. The Tanoa and Altis maps were ported to Enfusion and were working, but they have not stated what the performance was when running this map on the Enfusion engine. This was tested on a Playstation as well. but there is no data on how the map ran on that platform. And we have no news on a Playstation 5 release of Reforger. That would add to the player base of the game for sure. Even though it runs badly on Official Servers; it will have full servers. Gamers these days will play anything.

Typical Arma Reforger network performance.

That is not good, but this is where we are in terms of gaming. This needs to change, developers need to put much more effort into the network code and the overall performance of the game in reality. This is the only way to make the game better. Sure, the world editor in Reforger tools is very powerful, but this has a higher learning curve. You can even make the Moon much bigger, that would be a cool trick. Or if you could reskin the moon and make it look like an alien planet in the sky. Edit the GenericWorldLightEntity to change the size of the moon. That is a neat trick. I do wish Arma Reforger had jets, but with only one airfield on the island, how would it even work in gameplay terms? Only one team would be able to use them anyway. But you can not have an island bigger than 32 KM wide anyway, with the Enfusion engine, so what is the point? Helicopters are fine. You can fly to Isle D’ Erquy and hide there. No one would look there. Adding boats would be a good move, but they would move slowly and would be vulnerable to helicopter door guns. Better to fly instead, or drive, when driving you can hide under trees.

Smooth Battlefield gameplay.

Maybe the game will be fixed by 2026, and then the gameplay will be smoother, but we will have to wait and see. You can blow up a truck by throwing a couple of grenades under it and it will catch fire and then explode. Hilarious. At least it models the arming distance of a 40mm grenade. Plus the arming distance of a VOG 25 grenade fired by the launcher mounted on an AK-74. That is something at least. But basing the whole game around one game mode is a mistake, it is cancer. Arma 4 needs an EDEN editor and more creative freedom like you had with Arma 3. That game allowed massive 400 Sq KM maps and many jets and tanks in a battle. That is true freedom. So, here is hoping Arma 4 is better than the console trash that Reforger is at the moment. Reforger has nothing to do with the 1987 army exercises in Europe between Europe and America. Exercise Campaign Reforger (“REturn of FORces to GERmany”). That would have been great.

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